The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 63 - The Boss Fight

The Final Chain snapped and the Giant could finally move as its strength returned in large amounts with every second that passed.

With Brad, a previous Monarch, Chad, Raven, and Leo had no worries as they would surely be able to defeat it.

Legia lifted his massive hands and turned them into hammers. Slamming them into the ground, the inertia his fists gained, and the force that went with them caused the cave floor beneath them to splinter.

Luckily, Chad was able to cast an Earth Spell that caused the cracks and crevices to be filled with more of the rock it was originally formed from. From the corner of his eyes, Chad saw Leo about to charge at Legia from behind so he formed a water spell to splash onto Legia and gather his attention.

"VILE DOG!" Roaring angrily as the water did nothing but make him uncomfortable, Legia felt something from behind before a shocking pain assaulted his entire body. The water cast by Chad amplified the effect Leo's lightning had as the only water able to conduct electricity was unpure water so Chad had to be very accurate with the way he formed the water.

Screams of the Giant targeted at their eardrums penetrated through the nearby area and echoed off of the walls surrounding them. Naturally, as the scream used Mana, Raven cast a Darkness Shield over everyone which absorbed the Mana imbued into the Scream.

Brad was there to uppercut him with his hind legs which caused Legia's eyes to twirl about within his sockets because he was off-balance, a sudden air blast knocked him off balance and onto the floor face-down. Force was embedded within Brad's uppercut which caused it to penetrate the brain of Legia and gave him a mild concussion which he recovered from once he was on the ground.

Legia's efforts to get up were blocked as rocks molded around his limbs locking him down, the rocks around his body were glowing a dark-brown as they were also imbued with Raven's darkness to absorb Legia's Mana. The rocks resembled shackles and inspired Yuuki a little but that would be for another time.

Furiously knocking his head into the ground, the Giant attempted to disturb the ones casting the spell, however, it was self-sufficient. Once it was cast it kept going through the Mana absorbed. This made it impossible for Legia's tactic to work and all he did was concuss himself further which eased the task at hand by a surprising amount.

Chad made the mistake of getting to close to the rampaging Giant and was struck once before getting launched back. Struggling to get up as the Giant's strength was still no joke even with the Mana Shackles in effect, Chad made a mistake and since none of them knew any healing spells, he was stuck like this until Yuuki healed him and held him in his arms once he was forcefully transformed back into his smaller form.

"Chad, you made a mistake just then. Do you know what you did wrong?" Gently patting Chad's head as he was now the size of a husky pup, Yuuki inquired.

"No." Still feeling down about getting hit back and taken out of the fight, Chad had Yuuki's hand lift his head to look at him.

"You see, as you are like me, we need to be the center of the team. We can use the most magic in any situation which makes us incredibly versatile. To properly work with one another you need to be close enough to attack the enemy and help your teammates. Watch what they do now because you are over here and not fighting."

Chad watched Raven, Leo, and Brad create opportunities for attacks to come through as the rampaging Giant's physical strength was not a joke and the Shackles were about to snap. Chad realized how important he was and thus realized that he rushed in and underestimated the enemy after he was knocked and locked down.

"I underestimated the Giant? Is that what I did wrong?"

"Exactly. It's okay to make mistakes so don't feel so bad. Now you will always remember this moment. Learning from the mistakes we make, change us so that we become better." Yuuki had the aura of a teacher surrounding him as he spoke. This was from one of the [ Samsara ] Lives. Yuuki had many students in that life so teaching about tactics and fighting was natural once he used this Life's memories.

It was at this point that Raven made a mistake also as she misjudged the amount of Darkness she used to nullify an attack. As Legia was about to seize the opportunity and take another out of the fight, Brad hit both his tendons and he bit them both creating a loud SNAP!

Falling onto his knees, the pain the Giant was being put through was maddening, now unable to stand, he felt paralyzed and gave up, on the floor with the light in his eyes gone. Not only had Chad underestimated him, but Legia had also underestimated them.

Slowly, Brad walked to his front and attacked multiple times in a flurry which caused the force to destroy Legia's brain. Yuuki knew the Monarchs only wanted to destroy the earth which was why he did not attempt to speak with Legia. He knew what would happen if he was allowed out of the Gate as he sensed the purpose within Legia's eyes that he wanted to bargain.

Once Legia died, the ground rumbled suggesting the impending closure of the Gate. Instead, Yuuki wanted to completely wipe out the Giants.

Dimensionally travelling all over the unstable place, he was able to produce cracks which he could widen with his Mana.

Outside the Gate, Giants appeared out of nowhere when the people believed it was Yuuki coming out. Their cheers ended as sorrow replaced the false joy.

Moving fast with the intention to destroy anything nearby, their eyes snapped to the citizens who opened their mouths to scream out loud and watched them run.

Bloodl.u.s.t within them grew and collected like a storm.

'No! There's no way right? If he died in there then that means...' Stopping herself from thinking about it more and lightly slapping her face to wake herself up from her thoughts, she watched the 27 Giants walk out of the Gate.

They leaped forward and Hana's heart trembled as it had been multiple days since Yuuki entered the Gate.

She was wrong.

Happily smiling as she saw his face on the TV, she felt so happy that her body was shaking from happiness and her eyes threatened to release tears, enough to form a river.

Seeing how Yuuki easily dealt with them, she could see that he let them out on purpose.

Indeed, he opened the Gate on purpose.

One slice with the Leviathan Dagger to each of the Giants was all that was needed.

"I'm back!"

The citizens turned back and saw Yuuki standing on the corpses of the Giants as they misunderstood the rumbling of the ground as the Giants running at them, not them falling dead to the ground.

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