The Pursuit Of Power

Chapter 82 - Obscurity

Yuuki held the dagger before him in a reverse grip, ready for anything to come his way. However, the narrow cave opening led to a vast area of stalactites and stalagmites.

Water gathered in the form of vapour, floating up high before condensing on the stalactites. Dripping down over a long period of time, the stone was eroded naturally.

In the air, he could feel that extra moisture, if anything, it complemented the Leviathan Dagger's freezing capabilities.

So far, nothing appeared out of the normal so he kept tracing the path of moisture which would've been where the flow of water came from.

Stopping, Yuuki felt his blood rush to his eyes as they forcefully blinked. Perfect clarity in the darkness was what remained. Previously, the darkness prohibited his movements as he had to be careful of ambushes. Now though, the darkness which previously was a disadvantage could be an advantage as if his enemy was watching him right now they would underestimate his capabilities.

"He's no different from any of the others in terms of the number of brain cells in usage. However, his blood will be tasty..." A tongue that looked like one that defiled a person in their worst nightmares licked up the dry remains of blood on the face of the demon.

Yuuki's head suddenly turned to the demon as it had an inner monologue, however, he had not seen anything. His intuition told him something was there, watching him. He did not stop moving but when he did, a smirk also appeared on his face.

'So you want to play like that eh? Fine by me.' Putting on an act, he tripped on a stalactite he could easily have noticed. Of course, the demon was more patient than that, but it did not notice its guard was relaxed and it followed Yuuki slowly.

Exceedingly deep in the cave, sounds of water splashing finally entered Yuuki's ears. The sound resonated within the cave and echoed. As this began to happen, his aura changed and his eyes became cloudy before an outline of the cave even clearer than his vision appeared in his mind.

Crawling inside the cave walls, a demon barely managed to traverse the tunnels presumably crafted by its own claws. However, the smoothened walls of the tunnels suggested otherwise.

Yuuki crouched and he placed his hand on the slippery rocky surface, the texture of the rock was imprinted onto his fingers as he applied force which created indents in the watered-down limestone.

Awaiting Yuuki was a colossal boulder formed of something seemingly marble that was shaded obsidian black. The sheer width of it was tremendous while its height resembled that of giants from legends. Of course, this was a minor exaggeration. Anyway, the boulder was what was blocking the water as he could feel the ferocious force of the water as it smashed non-stop onto the opaque quartz.

(A-N- If you would like some greater immersion, play a song called The Game Has Changed and skip to 1 minute and fifty seconds in exactly.)

It was when Yuuki got close to the boulder that he realised something was wrong.

Behind him, the ceiling somehow burst as water sprayed out like it was coming from a waterjet. The sediment contained within would shred anything in the immediate trajectory of the water.

Moses split the seas, this time, the water split the rocks and quickly, water rushed through the marble.

'Well, I have to say, if I had a nickel for every time I had been outsmarted including in my Samsaric Lives, I'd have one nickel. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened once.'

To be fair, Yuuki was a little careless which was shown through his confidence in being able to trick the Demon backfiring as he the hunter, became the hunted.

'Air is going to run out and the water will force it into cracks before it all gets replaced, so if I am quick enough... yes this will work.'

Yuuki faced the trap with nothing but calmness... a dagger and katana too but it's not like he could use them currently.

[ Hydro-Thunder Breath ]

Complementing his legs with the Thunder Breathing Method, Yuuki controlled that strength further by using the Water Breathing Method.

[ Flash Step ] the Light Attribute Innate Skill.

[ Blink ] the Lightning Attribute Innate Skill.

Breathing in, every cell within Yuuki's body received an overdose of oxygen and they were filled to the brim with energy such that the leftover energy produced heat on the surface of his skin. It was a fight or flight situation, at this moment, Yuuki chose flight.

"Hissssssssss..." One final breath and Yuuki's legs that had been building up a surplus of power ultimately released that force.




These sounds reverberated in the area quickly filling with water as Yuuki did not touch the flooded ground again.

Thunder strikes would seem to be going off in the cave to a spectator.

Each time Yuuki bounded against the walls of the cave, his blood kept heading to his feet as he landed, causing momentary lapses of slowness. Although he did not stop, he was getting slower.

This kept happening until he touched the surface of the water, his force dispersed and he fell into the water. The Demon finally entered the water, its diminutive, obscure body wriggled with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at the opportunities brought by Yuuki's entrance.

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