Feiyan was right.

The Yin-Yang family dispatched a right protector, an elder, and dozens of Yin-Yang family disciples for Feiyan's betrayal. This lineup can be said that Donghuang Taiyi attaches great importance to Feiyan's betrayal.

Feiyan's status and Yin-Yang skills are between the protector and Donghuang Taiyi, with a slightly higher status than the protector and weaker than Donghuang Taiyi.

So it is useless to rely on an elder alone, unless one of the left and right protectors is dispatched to control Feiyan.

This is indeed the case.

On the way Feiyan took Yan Dan all the way back to Yancheng, Feiyan had several consecutive fights with the Yin-Yang family, and they were defeated every time they returned.

But later, after entering Yancheng, they could not find Feiyan's whereabouts. Until this morning, a Yin-Yang family disciple saw Feiyan and Tang Xi walking on the street.

Then, the shocking Yan Palace tragedy occurred.

Thousands of people were slaughtered, Yan Chunjun's body and head were separated, and even the six-fingered black hero of the Mohist school, whose martial arts were equivalent to the Yin-Yang family protector, died there.

Moreover, the copper box related to the Blue Dragon and the Seven Stars was also in their hands.

They wanted to take action, but there was a killing god here. They had this idea, but they didn't dare to act.

At the same time, the leader was wondering how Feiyan knew such a killing god.

The carriage passed slowly in front of them, but they didn't dare to act, which really made them feel aggrieved.

"Lord Moon God, are we just going to let this opportunity slip by like this?"On the right side of the road, when the two men rode away for a distance, a beautiful woman in a black and red dress suddenly walked slowly onto the road and asked

"We are no match for that man."

Then, a purple-haired woman wearing a light blue long-sleeved dress also slowly walked out. The difference was that her eyes were covered with a thin layer of white gauze.

She was one of the two guardians of Yin-Yang Family, the Moon God.

And the beautiful woman in the black and red dress was one of the five elders of Yin-Yang Family, the Great Sima in charge of the Fire Department.

She frowned at first, and when she thought of the look that had drifted over before, the shadow of death instantly surged into her heart.

At that time, she was thinking that if she took action directly, she might have become the dead souls under the knife of that man.

""At the same time, send someone to pass the news back to Yin Yang Family and let Lord Dong Huang make the decision." Moon God said to Da Siming

"Yes."The Great Sima Ming nodded helplessly, then turned around and waved his hand, asking his subordinates to disperse first.

The two of them rode their horses all the way and came to a desolate wilderness. There was no village in front of them, no shop behind them, and it was getting darker and darker.

They had been riding for a whole day, and except for a short break at noon, they had never rested.

Tang Xi and Fei Yan didn't care, but the horses couldn't stand this way of traveling, so they had to let both horses rest.

So they decided to rest here for a night and eat something by the way.

There are mountains and forests nearby, and there may be some pheasants and rabbits in them, which can be used as food.

So Fei Yan took the initiative to catch pheasants and rabbits, while Tang Xi stayed where he was and made a fire.

"Be careful, the people from the Yin-Yang family who are chasing you may be afraid that I won't take action. But if you stay away from me, they may harm you."Tang Xi kindly reminded

"It was expected. Besides, how could I, Dongjun of the Yin-Yang Family, fall into their hands?"Fei Yan felt sweet when she heard that Tang Xi actually began to care about her. This was a feeling she had never had before towards Yan Dan.

Tang Xi nodded. He had given Fei Yan a blood bodhi before, which greatly improved Fei Yan's Yin-Yang skills.

Now, she should be able to deal with those people from the Yin-Yang family.

So, Fei Yan left to find game, and Tang Xi made a fire on the spot. The two of them worked together and finished the job in a short while.

But what surprised them all was that the Yin-Yang family was so patient.

You know, not only Fei Yan's current identity, but also the copper box related to the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon is in their hands.

Can't beat them, want to steal?

After eating, the two rested together, or closed their eyes to rest.

Until the second half of the night.

Tang Xi finally heard a little sound, suddenly opened his eyes in the dark, and then stood up straight.

In the night, in front of him, there was a black shadow standing ten steps away from him. When he saw Tang Xi stand up, he turned around and ran without saying a word.

"I'd like to see what you guys are up to."

Tang Xi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and without even taking his weapon box, he chased after them with his bare hands.

After chasing for a few seconds, Tang Xi stopped when he fell into an empty cliff.

Because in front of him, there was a woman standing.

In the moonlight, you could see her purple hair, delicate face, and sky-blue veils hanging on both sides of her hair, which fell to her waist.

She was wearing a light blue long dress with wide sleeves, standing in the moonlight, which made her look mature and noble.

She just stood there quietly, not saying a word, facing Tang Xi.

Tang Xi's eyes drifted to the left and right, and then he smiled and said,"Why, the Yin-Yang family sent someone to invite me here specially, and you don't say a word when you come here? The Moon Goddess, the right protector of the Yin-Yang family?"

The voice of the Moon Goddess came,"It seems that you already know our Yin-Yang family. How much did Yan Fei tell you?"

"It doesn't matter if you say this. You sent someone to invite me here, just to let me enjoy the moonlight? Yes, indeed, the moonlight tonight is beautiful."Tang Xi smiled and looked ahead as if he meant something. Yue

Shen was stunned at first, and was stunned for a moment. Is this man praising her?

Needless to say, Tang Xi's words really made her mind confused for a moment. However,

Yue Shen still did not forget that the person she was talking to was a ruthless man who killed people without blinking an eye.

"I am here to discuss a deal with you." Moon Goddess calmed down and spoke.

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