Lao Ai was controlled by Xuan Jian before he could even put up any resistance.

Queen Mother Zhao Ji fell asleep due to exhaustion not long after Lao Ai left.

When Gai Nie and Tian Yan came in, she woke up, screaming and cursing. She didn't even know what had happened. The noise outside was so loud that it didn't wake her up.

But when Zhao Ji was brought in front of Tang Xi, she saw the bloody bones all over the ground and Lao Ai kneeling on the ground, and then she realized. The truth had been revealed.

"It just so happens that both of them are ready, so just take them away." Tang Xi nodded in satisfaction.

Xuan Jian and Tian Yan roughly lifted Zhao Ji and Lao Ai up, pushed them, and followed Tang Xi and Gai Nie.

The six of them walked out of the gate of the mansion together. As soon as they opened the gate, a group of Qin soldiers suddenly rushed in from outside.

A dozen Qin soldiers holding long spears quickly surrounded Tang Xi and others.

The next moment, everyone shouted loudly, and the long spears were put down and aimed at Tang Xi and others.

"Slowly, everyone put down their weapons.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his fifties was walking over.

"Mr. Gai Nie." The middle-aged man walked up to Gai Nie, bowed and smiled,"I heard that Mr. Gai Nie followed the king's order to eliminate the sinister Lao Ai. I was worried that something might happen to Mr. Gai Nie, so I brought some people to support him."

After saying that, he looked behind the two of them, first saw Xuan Jian and Tian Yan, and then saw that Lao Ai and Zhao Ji were both captured.

"It turns out that the real person was a step late. Is Mr. Gai Nie injured?"

""No." Gai Nie responded calmly.

Tang Xi sneered on the side.

What an old fox, he came at this time instead of earlier.

Moreover, Gai Nie was following the secret order of Ying Zheng, and only the two of them knew about this matter.

How did Lu Buwei know it? Did

Ying Zheng tell him?

The possibility is almost zero.

Isn't it just worried that Lao Ai would be caught in front of Ying Zheng and tell something?

After all, Lao Ai was able to contact Zhao Ji because of Lu Buwei's connection. If

Ying Zheng knew about this, Lu Buwei would inevitably be charged with the same crime.

By that time, it would be difficult for Lu Buwei to get away with it.

Yesterday, Lu Buwei heard that Ying Zheng was going to start with Lao Ai first, and he immediately began to make arrangements.

Today, I heard that two people left Xianyang and went straight to Shanyang County, and Lu Buwei immediately brought people here.

Lu Buwei's eyes suddenly turned to Tang Xi again, and he smiled and said,"I guess this is Mr. Tang Xi? I have heard of your name for a long time, and it is my people who are ignorant, so they disturbed you."

He even knows my name.

Tang Xi thought, is there anything else that Lü Buwei doesn't know?

Then, Lü Buwei looked at Lao Ai and Zhao Ji.

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Now Lao Ai is just like Lü Buwei, they are enemies.

And Zhao Ji looked at Lü Buwei pitifully, hoping that he could save her life.

"Well, it is worthy of Mr. Gai Nie and the butcher, and they really lived up to the king's expectations."Lü Buwei suddenly laughed, and then looked at Gai Nie and asked:"Mr. Gai Nie, can these two people be handed over to me? I will personally take them back to Xianyang."

He was well prepared this time. He not only brought hundreds of people, but also two prison cars.

Gai Nie's eyes immediately looked at Tang Xi.

Ying Zheng had already explained that Tang Xi had the final say in everything.

Lu Buwei was a little confused about Gai Nie's eyes, but he quickly reacted.

Tang Xi may have obtained Ying Zheng's full authority to execute this matter on his behalf.

Moreover, Ying Zheng might have proposed to strike first.

Lu Buwei was not annoyed. Anyway, it was good news for him to eliminate Lao Ai.

But the premise was that Ying Zheng could not know what he had done.

Lu Buwei was afraid that Tang Xi would not agree, and continued:"Since the two gentlemen caught the people, of course I will not fight for fame and fortune, and all the credit still belongs to you two. I will invite you two to come to my residence for a drink some other day. How about that?"

"Sorry, I don't have the time, goodbye."

Tang Xi directly rejected Lv Buwei's kindness, then nodded to Gai Nie, Xuan Jian and others, and rode on the horse.

As for Lao Ai and Zhao Ji, they were directly thrown by Tang Xi into the prison cart prepared by Lv Buwei for them, and the group returned to Xianyang along the original route.


Lv Buwei's smile froze, and after waiting for the four people to disappear together, he slammed the door of the mansion with his fist to express his inner anger.

"How can you not know how to honor me?"

Since he became the prime minister and the uncle of Ying Zheng, when has anyone dared to speak to him like this?

"Prime Minister, we……"At this time, one of his retainers came up and looked at Tang Xi and the others as they left, seeming to want to say something but stopping himself.

"What else can I do?"

Lü Buwei's face was very dark, and a cold light flashed in his eyes full of viciousness.

He wanted to act.

However, those four people were by no means ordinary people.

One was Gai Nie, the descendant of Guiguzi, who was not only skilled in swordsmanship, but also proficient in Guiguzi's vertical and horizontal tactics.

The other was the notorious butcher. The two people beside him, if Lü Buwei was not mistaken, the man was Luowang's top killer.

I don't know about the girl, but the one who followed her was definitely not an ordinary person.

With these four people combined, if he acted rashly, the people he brought with him would not only be killed, but they might even be caught by Ying Zheng. But if Lao Ai was allowed to meet Ying Zheng like this, how could Ying Zheng not know about his previous affairs?

"Let’s go! Go back to Xianyang!"

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