All the people around look up at us as we fly over the town, maybe I'm just being self-conscious, but I get the feeling that they are more concerned about me than about the dragon, well, I guess they're used to him.

"Mistress, how are we going to find the monster?"

"Just give me a moment"

That ant is really good at hiding itself, but a large concentration of earth mana is very noticeable when using mana sense, and I'm starting to get really good at finding it.

"Over there!"

I find it on a wide street filled with people, it seems like nobody has noticed that there's a monster there, they are all looking at me instead.

This is dangerous, they're all in danger of being attacked at any moment and they don't even know.

"Everyone! There's a monster here! Please run away!"

They're not running, instead, they are looking at me as if I was a crazy person, how can I convince them?

Wait, I think that the ant is getting ready to attack!

'Shadow lance'

If I couldn't get it with 'gravity bomb' then 'shadow lance' has no chance, but I cannot use a spell with a large area of effect in this place... however, I need to keep attacking to make sure that the monster only targets me.

'Shadow lance' 'Shadow lance' 'Shadow lance'

As I keep attacking, the ant also shoots large rocks at me, the entire street is being filled with craters and rubble and some walls from the surrounding buildings are collapsing.


"She's crazy!!!"


At least it seems everyone else finally noticed the monster, everyone is running and yelling although I can't understand what they're saying.

"Try to use your fire to cut off its escape route"

"Yes! That's a great plan!"

Is this dragon making fun of me? Or is he just going to praise anything I say?

'Gravity bomb'

Now that everyone has fleed the area I can use that spell again, but the surrounding buildings seem to be collapsing...

But this time, it's escape route is sealed by a wall of dragon-fire, seeing itself trapped by our pincer attack the ant... digs itself underground and easily escapes, isn't that cheating?

"It really was you two? What in the world are you doing?"

Nera is approaching us looking confused and scared.

"We are trying to kill an ant that got into this town just now"

"An ant?" She's looking at me with a blank expression on her face.

"Well, it just left, but it was there a moment ago! You have to believe me!"

"No, even if I believe that there was an ant there, that's not really the issue..."

"I mean a monster ant! It's actually very strong even if it's small"


Oh crap! It was preparing a large attack while I was talking, all the rubble that was around and some of the still intact walls are now floating above us.

"Wha... what is that!?"

This is bad, if all of that falls on top of Nera she's going to get crushed.

'Black wall'


By placing a barrier above me I'm able to catch the falling debris, but the weight is pushing it down so I need to hold it with my hands.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, thank you..."

But now I cannot move or all of this will fall, and the ant is taking aim at me again, does it know when I'm not able to defend myself? It's firing another rock... no, wait, that's not a rock.

"Wait! Don't!"


A ball of mud splashes right on my face... the rocks were actually better.

Now that I think about it, I can just place all the rubble in my storage, it's certainly large enough for that.

But the ant is running away again, how am I supposed to catch it?

"This is impossible, I cannot find a way to kill that bug"

"Hahaha, Luna, you sure seem to have been having some fun while I wasn't around"

"This is not funny Ara, I need to find a way to... wait, Ara!?"

Here's Arana, showing up from nowhere without a care in the world, and she's holding the war scythe for some reason.

"Relax, relax, I just happen to have the solution to your problem right here"

"The scythe? You think that I'm going to hit the ant with that?"

"I do! Did you think that I've just been lazing around all this time? I was placing an enchantment on this weapon"

"An enchantment? What enchantment?"

"'Undodgeable attack', it's one of the most advanced enchantments of the light attribute"

"What? Wait a minute, since when can you place enchantments like that?"

"Since always, I did tell you once that I could use light magic, didn't I?"

"Well yes, but you said that you could use 'a little' light magic"

"And you know that I worked as a seamstress, no? So, of course, I would learn how to place enchantments on some of the clothes I make"

Uh? Do all seamstresses know how to enchant stuff? I didn't know that.

"Anyway, the point is that with this weapon all you have to do is pour your mana into the enchantment and then any attack you attempt will hit your target no matter what, the only downside is that it takes a lot of mana to activate, but you should have no trouble with that, also, don't worry about this being a light attribute enchantment, any type of mana will work"

"I see, that's good but... how did you know that I was going to need this specific enchantment"

"I just had a hunch," She says, shrugging her shoulders.

"A hunch?"

She went out of her way to prepare a very complicated enchantment that just happened to be exactly what I needed to deal with the monster I was going to fight, that's too much to just be called a hunch.

Now that I think about it, she probably heard about the 'horn of the earth' from the dragon when she first met him, could she somehow have known what type of monster it would make?

"Mistress! The monster is going that way!"

Ah! I wasted too much time, for now, let's just give this weapon a try.

"There you are, let's see if you can dodge this"

I pour my mana into the enchantment and then I swing with all of my strength, I can feel the war scythe speeding up and correcting the angle of the swing, the ant also seems to be affected and is being pulled into the path of the blade, however, it still manages to barely avoid the attack.

"Well, so much for the undodgea... WHAAAT!!!?"

Before I complete the swing, my weapon turns around and makes my body spin in the air, what is going on!?

"Hey! Stop!"

The ant is running away and the scythe is flying after it at a high speed, dragging me along, and it doesn't seem like I can let go of it even if I want too!

"Wait! Slow down!"



When the scythe takes a 90 degree turn my body swings like a ragdoll and I crash into a building.

Is this all technically part of the same attack? Does that mean that the ant didn't really dodge...

"Hey! Get out of my way!!!"

There's a bunch of people on this street, some of them jump to the side when they see me approach but most are too slow and I have to use my mana to push them.

And the ant just went through a small hole in a wall... wait! No! No! NO!!!






"Hey! Stop..."



When is this going to stop?

"Heh? It stopped?"

Oh! It worked! The ant actually got hit! It's still alive but it seems like it's hurt and it can only barely move.

Still, I thought that the reason why the attack would be undodgeable would be because the enchantment was going to make it too fast and precise, I didn't think it would be because it just wouldn't give up until it hit. I wonder if Arana knew that would happen...

Well, all that's left is finishing off the monster and then...

"Stop right there!"


The shape-shifter demon is here with the form of the baron and a dozen guards coming behind him.

"She's attacking the town and the civilians! Kill her!"

"Wait! What?"

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to defeat that monster, but now that you are injured and exhausted I have the perfect chance to end you"

Eh... I know that I'm all covered in dust and mud right now so I probably don't look good, but I'm not injured at all and to tell the truth, I'm not very tired either.

"Alright! Prepare yourself for..."

Just as the guards were about to take out their weapons, the ground starts shaking causing them to fall to the ground and a giant fist made of stone rises into the air.

"What!? She can also use earth magic!?"

"No, that's not me..."

It seems like the ant is desperate and is trying to use its remaining power for one last large spell, but there's no way it can beat me in a battle of magic.

'Gravity bomb'

The two spells clash creating an intense shockwave, but mine is much more powerful. When the dust clears, I see the demon laying on the ground looking at me with a fearful expression, and the ant is right next to his head, let's finish this off.

"What... what are you doing?"

The demon trembles when I approach, but I'll deal with him later, I focus all my strength in my leg and raise my foot.

"Get ready to die, you disgusting insect!"

I stomp on the ant causing a small tremor and leaving a deep hole on the ground, now it's dead for sure, the demon seems to have passed out for some reason and he goes back to his real form.

The guards are all back on their feet but they look like they don't know what to do.

"So... do you still want to kill me?"

"NO! WE DON'T!!!"

They all leave in a hurry, I'm glad that they realized that I was only fighting a monster.

Soon after, Arana and Nera arrive.

"Hehehe, did you see that? I won!"

"Eeek! Why are you smiling like that!?"

"Ah, sorry Nera, I know my smile is a bit scary, but I can't help it! This time everyone saw me saving the town from that monster, now they all know that I'm a good person!"

"Huh... I don't think that's what they..."

I don't know what she was going to say, but she gets interrupted by Arana placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Just let her gloat for a bit, she doesn't get to do it very often"


Also... this story used to have 3 one-star ratings and now it only has 1, is it common to have ratings just go away like that? Not that I'm complaining, of course, but it seems weird.

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