I want to start the lesson, but all of the fairies are chatting with each other. Don't they know that they should listen to the teacher?

"Excuse me, could you please be quiet?"



"We need to start the lesson..."





I used a spell to make a very loud noise, it seems like I startled them but at least I got their attention.

"Alright, is everyone ready to begin?"

Now they all are silent, I think that means yes.

"Let's start with the basics. As you might know, the phenomenon known as 'magic' occurs when we project our will to the mana under our influence, each attribute of mana is powered by a different 'intent'. Can anyone tell me which type of intent the dark attribute is affected by the most?"

"I know! It's the desire to hurt people!"


I know that this is a common misconception, but if even a dark fairy is wrong about this, things are a lot worse than I thought...

"Me! Me! It's the desire to alter the natural order of things."

"That's close... the correct answer is that dark mana is powered by the desire to make the world be as we want it to be. It's said that the most powerful dark mages tend to be people who won't be satisfied with the role that the world has given them."


Why do they sound impressed by that?

"Light magic is the opposite, what powers it is the desire to make the world 'as it's supposed to be'. Because of this, light mana can be used to heal someone even when applied directly without any spells or modifications, after all, the way a person's body is 'supposed to be' is without wounds or diseases. If you try to apply dark mana directly on someone's body without your will being clear and focused, it will attempt to alter their body in a random way, which will result in them getting hurt. That's why 'dark magic is about hurting people' is such a common belief, that is simply the easiest and most brainless way to use it."

"So light mages will always be better healers after all..."

"Of course not! Light healing is simply easier to use, but dark healing can be much more powerful after being mastered. Now, a lot of people see magic as a mysterious and chaotic force that cannot be truly controlled, do you all agree with that?"

"Yeah! Magic is such a wondrous thing..."

"Well, you all better forget about that nonsense."


"To master dark magic you need to be in full control of your emotions and your mana. To do that, you need to learn to see magic as a cold and mundane thing that is governed by logic and math."

"But won't that take all the charm of magic away?"

"We are not here to be charming, we are here to get results. So now I will teach you a spell I created simply called 'dark heal', a simple spell to close someone's wounds. You will have to learn the different formulas that determine how to treat each different wound, but the most difficult part will be figuring out how to convert your will into numbers. Things like 'how much do I need to want that flesh to stitch itself together for the intensity of my will to be a 5.5' can only be learned with a lot of practice. But don't worry, I will show you the most efficient methods of training that I have discovered."

'Shadow dome'

This spell will block the light coming from the outside so that there's only just enough for us to see.

"Uh? Why did you make it dark?"

"While training one element is better to avoid being exposed to the others. For example, to minimize the influence of the wind element you should try to breathe as little as possible."

The fairies all look at each other for a moment with confusion on their faces.


"That was a good one!"

"I actually fell for it."

Why are they laughing? Did I say something funny?

"Anyway, I have some dead monsters here in my storage that we can use for practice. We can cut them and fix them as much as we want."

One of the fairies seems a bit worried.

"Excuse me... just how difficult is this going to be?"

"Ah, don't worry, I can guarantee that by the time we leave this place, all of you will be able to use this spell."

Thinking that one of the spells I created will finally be used by other people, I cannot help but smile.

But that seems to cause the faces of the fairies to become a bit pale.

"Luna! What have you been doing all this time!? I couldn't enter or see what was going on inside that house!"

As soon as I leave the inn, I see Nera running at me. She seems to be both really angry and scared for some reason.

"Didn't I tell you that I was going to teach magic to the fairies?"

"That was two days ago! Arana kept telling me that everything was fine, but I was so worried!"

"Why would you be worried? I was just teaching my lesson."

Nera looks behind me and seems to be shocked by something, it seems that she's looking at the fairies inside the inn.

"No more... please..."

"Water... I need water..."

"I want to sleep, but water first..."

They are all crawling around on top of the tables or on the floor, this is quite a sorry sight.

"What happened to them!?"

"Nothing, they're just a bunch of drama queens."

"Luna... don't tell me that you made them practice magic for 48 hours straight."

"It was only 47 hours, the first hour was just theory. But isn't that about average for a practice session?"

I would say that it was a little short, but the fairies seemed to get tired really quickly. It's true that I heard that fairies tend to be rather carefree, they're probably not used to working hard so I decided to go easy on them.

"Please... water..."

It seems like Mari is taking care of giving water to the fairies, she really is a dependable person.

"And why do they keep asking for water?"

"While training one element is better to avoid being exposed to the others, so I didn't let them drink any during practice."

"What!? Are you crazy!? If you were actually a teacher at a real school, you would have been fired for abusing your students!"

"But this was really not a big deal at all! Back when I was researching magic I would sometimes spend over two weeks without sleeping, eating, or drinking anything. I would only stop after collapsing and... Nera? Why are you looking at me like that?"


"It cannot be helped. If you ask the queen of darkness to share her power with you, you should be ready for a price that might not be worth paying."

Now Arana is also here, and she's talking about me as if I was some evil spirit or something.

"Well, obviously being a genius is not enough to obtain the level of power that Luna has, it also takes an insane amount of effort. I guess her standards for hard work are also stupidly high."

"You... if you knew that she was going to do something like this, why didn't you try to stop her?"

Mmm, I'm starting to get the feeling that Nera thinks I've done something wrong.

"But it was worth it! I really taught them to use 'dark heal'! Hey, you, can you heal this wound I just made on my hand."

"Ah! Yes! Healing! Done! Can I rest now!?"

"Oh... sure, you can rest."

"That poor girl looks like she's been traumatized..."

Oh, I think that I just made things worse.

"Look, I couldn't make the training any lighter. To tell you the truth those fairies are not very talented."

"Not talented!? They learned an entirely new form of magic in two days!"

"Well, yeah, but I don't think that they will ever reach my level if I don't..."


Oh, for some reason I seem to have made her angry. I just want this conversation to end already... if only there was something else more important going on that I could use as a distraction...


"What was that!?"

There was a flash of light and a loud noise not too far away from here.

"Ah! I forgot! The local demon lord somehow found out that the escaped fairies had returned and came here a few hours ago with a bunch of soldiers. Irvan has been fighting them all this time, he insisted on dealing with them by himself but I'm not sure if he'll be able to do it..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!?"

I rush to the source of the noise and see that the dragon seems to be on his last legs already, he looks almost as bad as the fairies.

"Hey! Are you alright!?"

"Mistress! I'm sorry, those demons are not very strong, but there's a lot of them. Since I know that you wouldn't want me to kill them I've been holding back, which makes fighting a lot more difficult than I thought... now I admire you even more for doing it all the time and making it look so effortless!"

So there's a demon lord here... I hope that's distracting enough for Nera to stop asking me about my lesson.

I get the feeling that it would be bad if she found out about all of the other stuff...


I hope it doesn't look much worse than the color ones. This is much faster to make so maybe I could add more like this if people like it.

Also, I want to confess that I had not planned all of this stuff about the way magic works in this setting from the start, I only had some vague ideas. So now I'm afraid that there might be something I wrote before that I forgot about and contradicts what I wrote in this chapter...

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