To animate a dead body with 'corpse puppet' is not something that would take me a lot of time or effort, but there's a difference between simply doing something and doing it right. I'm hoping that this will show that girl how to properly use magic.

"Luna... what are you doing?"

"I'm reanimating some of the dead bodies I took down."

"But why? Can't you do the same to the rest of them?"

"Well... don't you think that it would be a shame if that army didn't even get a chance to fight? It must have taken a lot of effort to get them all ready, I feel sorry for her."

"She's your enemy, you're not supposed to feel sorry for her. You should take battles a bit more seriously, even if the enemy is much weaker than you, you never know when something could go wrong."

"You're the last person I want telling me that I need to take things seriously..."

I know that Arana thinks that I'm too soft, but the enormous difference in power makes it really difficult for me to see her as a threat.

"I already told you before, but you are way too kind. You need to learn to be more selfish or people will take advantage of you."

"No one ever tries to take advantage of me."

"That's because everyone is afraid of you. You're always complaining about that, but if you think about it, the fear you inspire is the only reason why you can get away with being as naive as you are."

"What!? That's not..."

"Hey! I still have the other half of my army here! Are you going to fight them or not!?"

"Just a moment please! I'm almost done!"

I got twelve of the gray demon corpses under my control. I make them adopt a basic battle formation and they advance towards the enemy army.

"Did you just steal my soldiers from me!?"

"Don't you see? This way, no matter what happens, the gray demon army will win!"

"That's just completely missing the point! And how did you even take control of the soldiers that were prepared specifically for me? How are you even planning to fight with only 12 soldiers? I have 5000 left!"

"Uh... I can't answer so many questions if you ask them that quickly!"

"Just forget it, I'm just going to target you directly!"

Some of the undead soldiers are carrying small firearms. They all fire at me at once, but it doesn't really hurt.

"H-how are you unharmed!? You just got shot hundreds of times!"

"Well, none of those gunshots were doing any damage, and hundreds of times zero is still..."

"Oh, shut up!"

She's starting to get really angry... it has to be really frustrating to put so much effort into something you're not good at. But her approach was wrong from the start, quality is more important than quantity, I'll have to show that to her.

Also, it's not a good idea to make all the soldiers the exact same way, the only difference is the weapons they are carrying. For example, if some of them were a bit more focused on attack power they could be used against enemies with higher defense, and they might have been able to hurt me a little. I could still have defended or healed myself quite easily, but at least it would have been something that resembled a fight.

Since I had to work from the same base as her I could not do as much as I wanted, but my soldiers are still more varied than hers. By focusing my mana in holding their bodies together, I made six of them highly resistant, those will take care of protecting the others, I reinforced the muscles of three of them to increase their strength and left some unused mana in the last three to make it possible for them to use some magic of their own. Now we'll see how many enemies they are able to take down.

"Alright! Advance!"

Following my order, my soldiers advance towards the enemy army, and when they reach them, they continue to advance, and then they keep advancing more through the enemies... they're not even being slowed down.

That's unexpected. Most of those undead soldiers are between level 39 and 42, weaker than even the weakest regular soldiers, while the ones I animated jumped up to level 130. But that should not be enough to overcome the massive difference in numbers, at least not so overwhelmingly.

But those soldiers are not just weak, they are not working together at all. It's not just that they are not using any formations or tactics, normally the soldiers in the back would be supporting the ones in front, instead, all the undead who are not currently engaging seem to be just standing there doing nothing.

"That army of yours does not act much like an army."

"And you do not act much like en enemy, why are you chatting with me so casually?"

Now that she mentions it, having the two commanders standing next to each other on top of a hill while watching over the battle is probably not something that happens very often.

"You are not even taking this seriously, are you... why don't you just stop wasting time and kill me already?"

"I'm not going to kill you."

Perhaps it's true that I'm not taking this seriously, but you cannot blame me for that when the difference in strength is this big. That said, this is probably extremely humiliating for her, maybe I could make it look like the fight is a bit more even?

"Look, one of my soldiers just got defeated, you're not doing all that bad after all!"

"You cannot be serious..."

I don't think that she bought it, she looks even more defeated than before.

"Look, I've already had enough of this, if you're not going to kill me or capture me I'm leaving."

"No, wait! If you want I could teach you how to use your magic more efficiently!"

"You... you really don't get it, do you. I'm your enemy! You are not supposed to be nice to me!"

"Well, yeah, but if two enemies try to be nice to each other they wouldn't be enemies anymore, don't you think?"

"You can only say that because of how unreasonably strong you are! If someone like me tried to be nice to my enemies I would just get killed!"

"She's right, you know."

Huh? When did Arana get here?

"I've been thinking this for some time now... if you keep being so ridiculously nice to all of your enemies, it's just a matter of time until one of them manages to find a way to take advantage of your kindness and makes you regret it. I'm not saying that you should not try to be a good person, that's actually one of the things I like the most about you, but you should have a bit more common sense. Even if you think that you were being nice just now, the truth is that you were just being condescending."

Is that true? That's not what I was trying to do at all...

"Are you saying that she's always like this? It's not just me?"

"Yeah, I have to say that watching her always doing stuff like this can be a bit frustrating sometimes."

"I'm frustrated after seeing it just once! If she really wanted to be 'nice' she should have just beaten the crap out of me the moment she saw me."

You know, I don't think that wanting to get beaten up is very normal either...

"Yeah, you're right."

"Ara, why are you taking her side? You traitor!"

They're both standing next to each other talking badly about me, now I'm the one who feels bullied.

"I'm not taking her side, it's just that we both agree that you lack common sense."

"Allowing your enemies to keep fighting because you pity them is not just 'lacking common sense', it's complete lunacy."

"Wait. Luna... lunacy... HOW DID I NEVER THINK OF THAT BEFORE!?"

Oh, now that she mentions it, that's really weird. How did Arana never think of that before? She looks completely shocked, this must have been a blow to her pride as a jokester.

"Anyway, if you want me to defeat you already, then fine, I'm going to capture you now."

'Shadow chain'

I restrain her with a chain and then use my override to shut down all the remaining undead.

"Ugh, what are you planning to do with me?"

"I'm going to take you to the fairy village and I'm going to take my time changing your mind. One way or another, I'm going to make you like me."

"Luna... I know that you mean well, but that really came out wrong."


Whenever I make Luna and Arana disagree with each other like this I'm afraid of making one or the other feel frustrating to the readers, it almost makes me want to explain where I'm going with all of this but I don't want to give spoilers...

Also, the reason why Arana was so shocked about not thinking about the lunacy think before is that I'm shocked I never thought about it before.

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