The Queen of Everything

Chapter 386: Is she a passerby?

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"I'm going to take a rest. Can I talk about something later?"

Su Cha glanced at Wen Pengcheng lightly, and Wen Pengcheng immediately retired in an interesting way: "OK, I will go first."

He stood at the door and said a few words, even Men Sucha didn't let in.

This scene was also seen by other players. Although I don't know what they are talking about, as long as Wen Pengcheng is close to flattering, I can guess.

They are actually a bit ignorant, they still know that Su tea is an ordinary family thing.

She is from Jiang'an province, that is, the results of the college entrance examination are very good, and she is the champion of the college entrance examination.

In addition, from the daily dress, they can't see Su Cha's rich style at all.

Except for her external temperament is more difficult to understand, unlike the ordinary family.

But until today the strange noble girl appeared, they were a little shocked to find that maybe Su tea is really not simple.

Otherwise, why was the last time An Qiao's thing, Su Cha still okay?

Not one of them thought about exploding the incident, but after thinking about it, they dared not cause trouble.

After the incident was known to the public by the public, even the police came to investigate, but Su Chatou was never found. This is puzzling.

No one is stupid who can go to the present. It is clear that there is a lot of stuff in it, and I don’t want to cause trouble.

Only now, I still can't help but wonder about Su Cha's identity.

A conversation with Wen Pengcheng didn't affect anything, and Su Cha didn't need to rely on them to walk through the back door. Her own strength was enough for her to come to the end.

However, as the program became more and more popular, there were more and more news about the players, especially several players were first known on the Internet. After the program was broadcast, the discussion has not stopped, and all the bad intentions are there. The tea has gone through several times, but eventually the fire became more and more burning on Su tea.

Probably some audience members revealed the results, saying that Su Cha once again directly advanced in the competition, and the famous forum also published a post about Su Cha.

[Did the Su tea in the dream go along the way? 】

Difficult boat (landlord): When the dream went on, this year's competition, some netizens broke out the latest period of the competition, 20 into fifteen, she once again directly advanced to the first, the landlord turned her from the national competition to Now, all of them are directly promoted to the first place, is this shady too obvious? I wonder why no one has been picking her, and she always said that she is beautiful, and she has never been able to get her beautiful.

2L: Ah... our section is so powerful now, all the friends are fair-looking?

3L: Super college bully, super powerful aura, very good singing, at least the appearance of beauty level, do you have any opinion on her always the first?

4L: I can't get her face with GET, the voice condition is also good, but I don't think she has been enough to be the first promotion standard

5L: Friends, she is not the best in the world. As 3L said, she has too much light. Compared with the players in this issue, is she a crush level? In particular, the aura is really super strong, the photo of the top 50 national group is simply...

6L: There are a lot of strong players in this period, but don’t you want to push the combination this year when you dream? The conditions of Sucha are really suitable for the debut of C group... the popularity is already so strong

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