The Queen of Everything

Chapter 393: Wonderful acting

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"The character you want to interview is Chaoyun."

The deputy director had to break the deadlock-like opening with Han Yongbing's somewhat unclear look.

Su Cha forced the goose bumps on her body back and smiled: "Yes."

The assistant director extended his hand: "We don't have any requirements. This role is relatively simple. You first perform what you think of Chaoyun as you think."

Su Cha nodded, not talking nonsense, just glanced at the beauty, and began to brew.

The beauty smiled again.

She smiled so that people could lose their souls. Han Yongbing, who was also annoying, looked at it more and seemed strange.

She calmed herself down and thought of Chao Yun in the script, her expression suddenly changed.

As sorrowful as clouds and mists, Chao Yun stumbled upon his life-saving benefactor in the treacherous circumstances of his life in the later period, and vowed to pay everything for the life-saving benefactor.

"Eun Gong saved my life at that time, and the grace of dripping water was reported. What's more, I was unable to repay this kind of great grace. In this life, I am willing to give everything to Eun Gong. What I said, I will do."

Zhao Yun, who first entered the palace, was originally kind and simple. After all, a girl who can remember her life-saving benefactor is not bad.

It's just that the palace is tricky and complicated. The master she followed was unfortunately targeted. She followed ups and downs for some time. At this time, she met her life-saving benefactor, remembering the grace of the year, and experiencing the cruelty now, but only 16 years old. The girl's face already has a calmness unlike ordinary girls.

But deep down, she was already that simple girl from a remote mountain village, Chaoyun.

Chaoyun is nothing but the name given by the Master.

Her real name...

As if someone in front of him was playing a game with Su Cha, she suddenly showed a poignant expression like crying and laughing.

Then, a slight flick in the void: "Eun Gong still remembers my name and the sentiment that I will never forget."

This performance Su Cha thinks it's still good, when it wasn't her sudden acting skill, but this period of good and fortune had the same emotions as she struggled in the palace, all the same helplessness.

She interpreted Chaoyun's helplessness and kindness in her heart very well, but she still didn't integrate Chaoyun's role in her heart.

To put it bluntly, she only found her original shadow through the only passage of Chao Yun.

But this paragraph is still very surprising.

Even Han Yongbing's face eased down again, and he was already pleasantly surprised without interrupting his mouth.

The deputy director was also a bit amazing, but I didn't expect this to be a girl recommended to me by a friend.

The only difficulty with the role of Chao Yun was that his temperament was very simple at first, and he must have the kind of young veterans in the palace. The actor is not easy to find. The truth is that the plot is not too difficult.

But this Su tea, actually interpreted quite well!

The deputy director couldn't help but want to say something good, but he didn't dare to speak before the performance was over.

When Su Cha pulled away from the plot, she looked calm and never saw the sadness just now: "Directors, I'm done."

Han Yongbing picked up her information from the table and said loudly: "You are still participating in the game. Even when the game is over, our shooting time will not conflict. It's just that since you participated in the singing competition, why would you want to come to the show? "

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