The Queen of Everything

Chapter 396: Playfulness

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Hanging up the phone, Su Cha, led by Dahan, entered a lounge in the audition hall.

Someone poured her a cup of hot water. When the big man went out, Su Cha suddenly asked him: "How long have you been playing Miss Tan?"

Dahan just glanced at her and went out without answering.

Su Cha didn't ask much.

After a while, Tan Yezhu came.

He was still dressed in women's clothing at this time, wearing particularly loose women's clothing, white jumpsuit wide-leg pants, in addition to looking tall and unusually flat, no trace of a man at all.

Stepping on the feet is also a pair of pointed flat shoes.

That face, in all fairness, is really amazing, and there is a temperament like a strong woman.

Peach blossom eyes turned, but it looked windy and charming, he should have painted a little light makeup.

It is the kind of woman who looks at the existence of suspicious life.

Su tea too.

When he came in, he smiled lightly at Su Cha: "Hello, Su Cha sister."

Su Cha didn't want to act with him, and couldn't help laughing: "Talk less, I just asked Mu Yi, let's stop pretending."

Tan Yezhu was not nervous at all. The slender peach blossoms blinked, seemingly naive: "What are you talking about, I don't understand. You are talking less, it should be my brother."

Su Cha didn't make a statement at the sight, but just nodded along the way: "You are talking about, it's just that talking about the gene is really good, you look as tall as your brother."

Tan Yezhu covered his mouth again and smiled: "Yes, my brother and I are very similar, even the same height, but others rarely know that I still have a brother, I didn't expect Sister Su Cha to know very well, Do you know my brother Bo Muyi, a good brother?"

Su Cha couldn't help but see her eyelids.

He couldn't help pretending to be a woman, and he behaved like a woman. If Su Cha didn't know him, he wouldn't have any doubts about Tan Ye Zhu.

The other party is going to act. Of course Su Cha will accompany the performance. She nodded seriously: "Yes, but your brother's evaluation in front of Mu Yi is not very good. He said your brother is a pervert."

Tan Yezhu's smile didn't change, but he just vomited himself: "Yes, I think my brother is abnormal."

Su Cha: "..."

It's a very high-level demon.

Since the other party has been acting as a woman for a long time, then facing such a thing is familiar.

Even if he knows that Su Cha has seen him, he can perform this role well.

Tan Yezhu's status as a woman should be famous. Su Cha just said a few words to him and someone came to call Tan Yezhu in the past. The words were very polite Miss Tan.

Tan Yezhu blinked towards Su Chaya when she walked: "Sister Su Cha, I'm gone. It's a pleasure chatting with you. We'll see you next time."


Hope not to see you again.

Although Tan Yezhu in women's clothing is beautiful, it does not mean that Sucha is not spicy.

Although the incident of meeting Tan Yezhu's women's clothing was unexpected, but now the audition passed, it proves that Su Cha is now officially entering the performing arts circle.

She sent this good news to Dai Xiaofu and told Le Anqi and others.

Wu He, who has been caring about her, also notified.

Several people were shocked and surprised at the different levels of Su Cha's entry into the entertainment industry.

At least nothing else is clear, the name of the director Han Yongbing is extremely loud.

To be able to act under his hands, Su Cha's start was really good.

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