The Queen of Everything

Chapter 398: Ambush

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After finishing his meal with Jin Mo, who seemed to be in a low mood, Su Cha accompanied her to stroll around the imperial capital.

They are also well-known now, so Su Cha simply wore a pair of sunglasses, at least blocking the eyes of most temptations.

The girl's mood is also very calming, Jin Jin strolling in the mall, bought some perfume and clothing and looked very happy.

The difference between Su Cha and Jin Pu is very obvious. She looked at Jin Mu and tried to see what she looked at, but she seemed interested and lacking.

Jin Eyes was so busy with her hands that she was busy trying on clothes and was not free to type in Su Cha. She just expressed her doubtful look. Su Cha shook her head and she didn’t ask again.

After almost carrying something around, Jin Gu's mobile phone began to be bombarded by Jin Duan.

Having discovered the fact that Jin Eye ran away, Jin Eye threw out his tongue, pressed the phone, and sent a text message back to Jin Duan.

The idea is to explain that he is with Sucha, Sucha will send himself back, and nothing will happen.

Jin Duan stopped the phone bombing.

Despite this, he was uneasy and even said he would pick her up.

Jin Gui thought about it and asked him to walk at the entrance of a subway station.

They live in the suburbs and have only direct vehicles. The last subway entrance is a few kilometers away from them. After Su Cha has sent herself to the subway station, she can at least immediately take the subway back.

Jin Su felt that they were a little bit over there. It was not safe for Su Cha to come home and return.

She thought about Su Cha and then followed Su Cha to the subway to wait for her brother.

This subway station is not a terminal station, just a nearest transit station. It is usually sparsely populated, and when it is here, there are almost no people at night.

Occasionally, two or three passers-by came down only after a few trips. When it was dark, the subway station was lit dimly, and Jin Duan came soon.

He counted a few times Jin Jin, then followed the Su tea ceremony thanks, and then sent Jin eyes home.

Jin Mei waved goodbye to Su Cha and said goodbye. After he got on the bus, Su Cha smiled and watched them leave.

When she turned around, she heard a loud explosion.


Her pupils shrank, and she quickly turned around, and she saw that Jin Duan's car hadn't driven far away from the subway station, and stopped.

At the same time, in the faint darkness, several figures rushed towards the car.

She seemed to be able to hear Jin Mou screaming in panic, and Jin Duan's anger.

With little hesitation, Su Cha ran directly towards the vehicle.

As soon as she rushed over, the shadows of the two dark guards hurried out.

Jin Duan did not expect to be ambushed. The tire suddenly exploded. Someone poked the tire with something. The hard tire looks like it in the eyes of the group of people. Several figures rushed over and the purpose was clear. Jin Duan and Jin Eye split up.

Jin Duan just had time to shout: "You run!"

However, Jin Mou in the back seat was able to run there again. Jin Pan was shocked to see his brother open the car door and slammed down, fighting with several figures. That movement was simply not what ordinary fighting could describe.

Then there were too many people. Two people caught Jin Duan and went straight to Jin Eye. When the masked person reached into the palm of the car window and wanted to grab Jin Eye, Jin Eye felt his throat numb. There was a sharp pain. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't scream at all.


It was at that moment that suddenly the head of the person who wanted to grab himself hit the roof of the car uncontrollably.

Jin Su looked at it and found that the man's mask slipped and his face fell in pain.

Behind her, Jin Eye saw a pair of familiar cold eyes, but was full of hostility that he had never seen before.

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