The Queen of Everything

Chapter 527: No i don't believe

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"Hey, sister! Sister!"

Zuo Zhici saw Su Cha coming out of the classroom at once, and in front of so many people, she ran over with excitement, and she shouted Su Cha's elder sister in her mouth.

Others were a little ignorant.

Isn't this the genius department that came in this year when the Department of Business Management came in?

Because of her young age, I heard that it was the imperial capital that jumped directly into the ranks, a very amazing figure.

And she is the biological daughter of business tycoon Zuo Shaoxin, an authentic high-class social giant, she is actually called Sister Su Cha?

At this time, I didn't often see Zuo Zhici, and did not compare the two carefully. Now, comparing her with Su Cha, the talents found that Su Cha and Zuo Zhici looked very similar?

Zuo Zhici had run to Su Cha, holding a bag of sugar in his hand, and gave one to Su Tea, smiling: "Sister, eat sugar."

That tone seemed familiar and intimate.

In an instant, the blood of the students who usually intended to alienate Su Cha's students had to go back.

Su Cha, is Zuo Zhici's sister?

Looks are at least blood related, that is to say, she is also the daughter of Zuo's?

Everyone was stunned.

They still know exactly what the Zuo family is.

Su Cha saw the expression of Zuo Zhici, which was not as beautiful as Zuozhi Ci, and was slightly complicated: "What are you doing with me?"

It's been a long time since I started school, and I haven't met this person. How come I came here today.

Is the Department of Business Management very busy?

"Do people miss you?"

Zuo Zhici said that this sentence was really not at all ashamed. It seemed that he had no consciousness that Su Cha would not have a relationship with her. At this time, he said to Su Cha: "I saw you online At the reality show that I attended, look at the little broken child, how can our family Nan Fan Meng Meng."

DISS is also merciless since other children came.

Su Cha: "..."

The last time she saved her, Su Cha had a moment of regret, especially now that she is still following her noisily.

When I first met, why didn't you know that Zuo Zhici could say so?

She followed Su Cha all the way to the classroom, and she still didn't see her way. Su Cha said coldly, "I'm going to class, are you still going?"

"Oh, just one lesson. I'll be with you."

Zuo Zhici said that he consciously followed Su Cha and walked into the classroom.

In this elective course, the instructor will not care how many people come, and occasionally make a name on a whim, a classroom is dissatisfied anyway.

Zuo Zhici sat here, Su Cha was really not good to say anything.

After sitting down, the people around him saw Su Cha and Zuo Zhici staying together.

Zuo Zhici is also considered to be a relatively famous category, mainly because her identity is regarded as a famous figure in the school, but never thought that the two can also be related.

Now take a closer look, Mom, why do the two look so similar?

Zuo Zhici didn't care about the surrounding eyes, and even a little bit proud: "Sister, you look like we look like, many people will understand our relationship at first glance, we don't need to say much."

Su Cha suddenly turned her head closer to Zuo Zhi's words and said seriously: "Actually, I am a facelift, I look like you, it's really different."

Left Zhici: "..."

She looked at Su Cha's face carefully, then shook her head: "No, it's impossible, I don't believe it!"

Acting like the heroine in Qiong Yao's play.

Su Cha rolled her eyes.

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