The Queen of Everything

Chapter 529: Soya

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The car began to drive slowly in the traffic of the Imperial City.

Su Cha looked at the bracelet on her hand, and some fragments kept flashing indistinctly.

Those fragments are not very clear, just have the shadow of this bracelet, the only thing that is more clear is the color of this bracelet, which seems to be particularly dazzling in memory.

"Little tea, this is your birthday present..."

This sentence suddenly appeared like a magic star, and the vague voice of men and women could not be distinguished, which made people feel a little confused.


Bo Mu also held her fingertips: "As long as you see him, some things will be understood. I also want to know what happened at that time, and you will lose your memory."

Su Cha looked at him, his eyes slightly confused: "Don't you know?"

Bo Mu also shook his head slowly: "I don't know this very well."

Because of this, he will now feel a little worried.

Because he was afraid of Su Cha's memory, there was something serious in the past, which was equivalent to a time bomb. Bo Mu could not tolerate this happening.

So now Su Cha is going to find him, he will not stop.

The car gradually moved to the outskirts of the imperial capital. There are many wealthy and wealthy families who bought villas and lived on the mountainside. Bo Mu also took Sucha to such a place.

At the foot of the mountain, Su Cha clearly saw the notice board in the private sector.

Asphalt roads up the mountain are all monitored.

And looking up from the bottom of the mountain, you can see a magnificent building on the top of the mountain.

Seeing that look, Su Cha narrowed her eyes slightly and felt as if she was familiar.

She searched from the top and found that it was the residence of the chairman of an online trading group, and the chairman, Zong.

Inside, it was exposed as one of his mansions, but it was only a simple outer appearance. No one knows what is inside, and outsiders are usually prohibited here.


Su Cha turned his head, and there was another family.

To the top of the mountain, Su Cha could see the true face of this building.

It is a large modern manor with no tall buildings, but the building area inside is very large.

At the gate, there is a dark guard similar to Bo Mu's side.

The news was reported when he came, so the people at the door just confirmed Bo Muyi's identity and let them in.

The car drove into the courtyard and stopped on a flat and open ground. Bo Mu also pulled Su Cha's palm and got out of the car. He whispered softly in her ear: "Someone may talk to you later, don't take care of them. "

Su Cha: "Who? The Zongren?"

Bo Mu also nodded and motioned to Su Cha to see it.

He led Su Cha without two steps. In front of the wide courtyard, a middle-aged woman in a serious suit walked out of the main house. His face was slightly serious, like a meticulous butler.

When he walked out, he saw Bo Muyi, and he also aimed at Su Cha next to Bo Muyi.

Some of her expressions are obvious and not very good.

"Master will think that Master Bo is coming alone."

She spoke, and her attitude was obviously aimed at Su Cha.

Bo Mu also did not give her any face, just understatement: "Sooner or later, they will see each other, and now there is no difference."

The butler's face stiffened, and she glanced at Su Cha again before leading them slightly into a low body.

Su Cha feels baffled because she can be sure that she doesn't know her.

But with her attitude, Su Cha also understood that this family clearly recognized herself.

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