The Queen of Everything

Chapter 534: That glance

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"Why don't you want me to come?"

Su Cha squatted down her body, and her distant memories are gradually recovering. Even if she can't remember, she knows how much the man in front of him loves herself.

She looked at him, with a smile, but some tears in her eyes: "If I don't come, these things will not be hidden all the time? I can't remember, let your enemy continue to live happily?" "

She didn't know why she saw Zong Yanxiu in a flash and remembered what was happening. Probably, Zong Yanxiu was the magic obstacle in her heart.

Because in her memory, she saw a scene where Zong Yanxiu was pushed down.

Too much irritation and a fall on the head will cause this series of things.

Zong Yanxiu worriedly took her shoulders, "I have no enemy, Xiaocha."

Bo Mu also watched his movements, frowning lightly, fingertips moving slightly, but he stopped the urge in his heart anyway.

Su Cha broke his hand, held it in his hand, felt the familiar warmth, and looked at him seriously: "You haven't, I have, I won't let them go."

Zong Yanxiu's face changed: "Xiaocha, they are your parents!"

"My parents are only you, you are my father."

After saying this, Bo Mu next to him was probably already clear.

But the female housekeeper was a bit chaotic, but she felt a little shocking sign.

Bo Mu also tilted his head and confirmed that Su Cha was okay. He smiled and said with a funny smile: "Uncle Zong, it seems that you were really not an accident that year. It was Zuo Shaoxin and you who pushed you down the cliff Ruan Yin?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the housekeeper's face was terrified, and she suddenly turned pale: "How is that possible? Our young master helped them raise their daughter for several years!"

Zong Yanxiu set his sights on Bo Muyi, and his pale face instantly confirmed Bo Muyi's words, and he could not say anything at all in the end, he could only sigh.

Su Cha looked at Zong Yanxiu and slowly said some things of the year: "It rained heavily that night. She came to you. You said that there was something to go out, coaxing me to sleep early. Lei. The sound blew me up. I saw it late. You haven’t come back. I went down the town down the road and saw them halfway."

When she talked about these things, in addition to her bright eyes, she could no longer hear other emotions: "You stand there, they are all holding a black umbrella, Ruan Yin and Zuo Shaoxin are there. , What are you arguing with them, the rain is too heavy, I can't hear clearly. I hid there and overheard, and it turned out that within a few seconds, I saw Zuo Shaoxin let you push you down..."

Speaking of which, the housekeeper's face had already looked like a ghost, and she couldn't help it anymore, and turned and ran back towards the way she came.

It is self-evident that she wants to go back and tell whom.

Both Bo Muyi and Su Cha did not stop it.

"The thunder was too loud, I screamed, and no one heard. I rushed over and wanted to call you. As a result, I slipped on the foot and knocked on the stone, and then I knew nothing."

For a long time, Su Cha said as if it happened yesterday. She even remembered every scene at that time.

Including the expressions of Zuo Shaoxin and Ruan Yin at that time.

Ruan Yin was crying mournfully. She seemed to want to jump down to save people, but Zuo Shaoxin dragged her away. When he left, he clearly saw Su Cha hiding behind the stone.

Su Cha couldn't forget that look in his life.

High above, with obvious aversion, and with a kind of relief.

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