The Queen of Everything

Chapter 543: With Yourong

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"Do you know her?"

Su Cha saw the place where Fu Mo was not right. Fu Mo nodded and shook his head again: "Not too familiar, but I have seen it."

Su Cha thought she seemed to have nothing to say, but since she didn't say it, she didn't ask.

After all, Min Chen and she are not too familiar.

After returning home, Su Cha concluded a lesson on embroidering Tang thorns in her hand. She recorded a small portion of the needles for embroidering Tang thorns for half an hour and passed them to Yunzu.

The embroidering Tang needle method is complicated, and she is deliberately slow-motion, this section is only the starting point of the needle method.

In order to avoid exposing his original sound, Su Cha used disguised electronic sounds in the video.

Master Yunzu: /OK

Master Yunzu: Monthly Salary

Tea also: ...

I didn't say anything about wages at first, so I explained to her that she was treated as voluntary labor.

But Master Yunzu always said something funny.

After all, Su Cha can't really take off his embarrassing expression on the Internet. In reality, the image of a top master who does embroider in reality is connected.

Master Yunzu: Embroidering Tang thorns matters. There are official media on our side who want to interview you. Can you accept them?

Originally wanting to quit WeChat, Su Cha suddenly saw this news, and Su Cha thought about it before replying.

Cha Yi: Face-to-face interview?

Master Yunzu: Of course it is, otherwise on WeChat? Does the official media need to be arranged? [Are you stupid? .JPG】

Tea also: ...

Tea: I can’t reveal my identity for the time being, can the master understand it?

Master Yunzu: They will understand, don’t ask me, you will tell them when you agree, and then I’ll tell you when you’re ready, or let them contact you on their own

Master Yunzu is still very decisive when it comes to business, and everything should be said clearly, so as to avoid any omissions.

After thinking about it, Su Cha didn't refuse, and he agreed to the interview request from the official media of Master Yunzu.

This identity is not exposed now for some plans.

They have just started, and they have rashly entrusted everything, which will inevitably make people feel a bit false. When all things have a chance to prove in the future, Su Cha will properly consider whether to disclose this identity.

After all, she is too powerful to use S's account, and I'm sorry for her cold image of star status.

Moreover, regardless of whether it is public or not, it seems to have been concealed, as if there is no need to disclose it.

After agreeing, Master Yunzu quickly sent Wechat to Su Cha, and the time was set.

Since Su Cha is in the Imperial City, and he understands that Su Cha's identity needs to be kept secret, he simply made an appointment at the Embroidery Cultural Center.

It is the official media that interviews Su Cha. He usually speaks to national representatives at a level that is very authoritative. This is the news of the ancient culture of China. Therefore, it is definitely the official media who will send people to interview personally. It will be published in the official newspaper, and it will be broadcast in the key period of the national news channel.

The embroidered Tang thorn, which is an important cultural heritage of China, was normal in the last news channel.

This news channel must be broadcast throughout the country during prime time. It has been unstoppable for decades, and it adheres to the reporting policy of ``Chinese people are happy and healthy, and foreign people are in hot water''. It is a classic in the eyes of Chinese people.

Su Cha feels that she can be on this news, which is really a matter of time.

Such a thought is rare and glorious.

After being a queen mother, you can still feel this way, which is rare.

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