The Queen of Everything

Chapter 578: Breathing is not smooth anymore

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The person who came in was wearing a simple gray high-definition casual outfit. The tall and straight figure was unobstructed, and his face was exquisite and flawless. The movement of his hands in the pants pockets revealed a bit of suffocation and casualness.

But when she walked towards you, she could feel the inexplicable pressure, and with the light smile on the corner of her mouth, she seemed to feel bad intentions.

"It's you!"

When Cheng Deyue saw Su tea, his eyes almost glared out.

It's not that Su Cha is too beautiful, but that the girl was next to him when he came home and was targeted by the younger generation of Bo family!

And Bo Mu also said that he was his girlfriend.

Cheng Deyue lost such a big face, of course, it is deeply memorable.

Seeing Su tea now, more than a shock can be described.

It was not just him. Tan Yeluo and Master Bu Zhou saw Su Cha, and their eyebrows were raised high.

Obviously, they really don't know.

The other three elders also changed their faces slightly. The identity of the people who came in has been guessed for a while. Just seeing how the other people look, they know that they know each other, but these three elders do not know.

At the same time, there is some bad hunch in my heart.

"What are you doing here?!"

The first time Cheng Deyue saw Su Cha, he felt that something was not right. He instinctively rejected that terrible idea and just wanted to drive Su Cha out.

"This is our important meeting place. You are an outsider. What do you come in for?"

This remark is not only important but also reprimanding.

Su Cha raised her eyebrows and walked indifferently: "Elder Cheng, anyway, you are also the elder of our Star Alliance. I naturally know that this is the Star Alliance Conference. Why am I here, are you still unclear? Sure enough, I should pay more attention to keeping in good health, or else dementia, how bad."

These words didn't give face, and Cheng Deyue, who was angry, almost spurted out the old blood: "You!"

Without saying a word of disrespect for the elders, Shi Weizheng has stood up with a happy look, but the tone is serious: "You have not been discussing before, who is the new leader? I will give you a formal introduction now, after destiny deduction, The calculated new leader of the Star Alliance, Su Cha! From now on, it will be our Soviet leader of the Star Alliance, elders, pay attention to your words and deeds."

Su Cha walked over and looked at each other with Tan Yeluo, both with deep meaning. The difference was that Tan Yeluo suddenly covered her mouth with a smirk: "What a surprise."

Su Cha felt a bit cold, walked calmly to the main stand, and looked at the crowd, without any fear, or even a strong announcement: "Master Shimen, deputy confederate, elders, my name is Sucha, it is Star Alliance. The new leader, meet for the first time, I hope this meeting, we can have a good time. Your questions, I will answer one by one. Regarding the future of Star Alliance, I will discuss with you today, thank you elders."

Not to mention what everyone said, Shi Shiran sat down.

Several elders glanced at each other. Cheng Deyue's eyes stared at the boss. He couldn't think of killing him. The girl who was beside Bo Mu and could not even be looked upon by herself was the new leader of Xingmeng!

What did you do in front of her?

My grandchildren are the new leader of the Star Alliance!

Thinking of this, Cheng Deyue felt that his breathing was not smooth.

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