The Queen of Everything

Chapter 591: Look at

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Su Cha came to the crew to continue filming his part.

She didn't think of a way for Li Miyi. The star was that she asked Tan Jinsui to come forward and found a big man in the circle to participate in the recording of this program.

The kind that Qin Bei dare not provoke, can also cope with two issues.

Of course, the program crew was busy and agreed.

They haven't thought of this method, but the temporary gear shift is also such a critical moment. There must be few big names who have a schedule, and Tan Jinsui's face is big enough to invite him.

Back to the crew of Su Cha, continue to film their own part.

This week is over and her drama is over.

There is not much drama about the character itself.

But back to the first day of the crew, a dramatic event happened in the crew.

Su Cha came to the crew with Fu Mo. At this time, the lead roles of the crew were almost there, and today's crew is also relatively nervous. Fu Mo came over and whispered to Su Cha: "A producer came to visit today."

After a little inquiries, I learned that the producer is the boss of a well-known film and television company. This time I came to the class to see the current situation of the crew, and second... It is said that it was Jin Jiayu's backstage.

Su Cha glanced in the crowd's eyes.

The producer is not very young, but the beer belly is quite tall. Standing in that smile makes people feel that the mood is not very good, really lost Jin Jiayu's mouth.

Of course, she would not express any opinions. After coming to the crew, she concentrated on watching her script. After a while, the assistant director suddenly came over with some caution: "Su Cha, that, Yang Producer made you scared."

She looked up and followed the assistant director's gaze. Yang, who was sitting on the recliner, was looking at herself with a smile.

It was just that, with an unclear look in her eyes, it was faintly vague.

Fu Mo's brow furrowed, and Su Cha put down the script and followed the assistant director with a light smile.

She greeted generously: "Yang producer, hello."

The face of Jin Jiayu, who was standing next to Yang Production, was suddenly distorted. After Yang Production came to accompany her, she asked Su Cha to come over at this time. How could she not understand what it meant?

"Hey, hello!"

Yang Producer looked at her, and his eyes showed a clear smell that was bound to get. It seemed like a gentle smile: "I heard Yong Bing say that you are now participating in a talent show "Dream in Progress". Your name is... Is Su tea coming?"

When he spoke to her, almost everyone in the crew watched it.

Shao Tianwen looked at it, his eyes worried. Mu Jiao looked at Su Cha. Although she was not very familiar, she also knew that she had fallen into Jin Jiayu that day. At this time, she looked at Su Cha and sighed slightly.


Su Cha smiled and seemed to see no other emotion: "Yeah."

"It's a pretty little girl. In the entertainment world, the water is deep. You can make a name. That's your skill!"

He seemed to have just praised Su Cha. If there was nothing else, he said to Su Cha and let her go.

Su Cha saw that the purpose of Yang's production was not that simple.

But his eyes were somewhat familiar.

She raised her eyebrows and hadn't seen such a dead man in a long time.

When the filming of the scene ended, when she was going back, Han Yongbing came to her and said, "What is your relationship with the production?"

Su Cha thought about it and shook her head honestly: "The relationship is not very deep, I am not very familiar."

This is the relationship between them.

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