The Queen of Everything

Chapter 600: negligible

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No, from the moment after her Jin Jiayu entered the circle, from the moment she started climbing the producer's bed, she would never allow such a thing to happen!


"You got the second daughter from He Di, my mom, I'm right, Sucha!!"

The voice on the phone was a little harsh, but it made people feel happy when listening. Su Cha raised her eyebrows slightly and said helplessly, "Is there anything impossible?"

Le Anqi was dizzy with joy: "I don't have it, I just can't believe it, Emperor He! It's the hero and heroine who are all film emperors, and Shao Tianwen is in a mess of fire. They play against each other! Su Cha, your agent is really good!"

Le Anqi called Su Cha as soon as he saw the news.

But she couldn't think of it that much. She knew that Su Cha now has a legendary agent Tan Jinsui behind her, and naturally attributed all this to Tan Jinsui.

Su Cha smiled, not explaining so much.

"But Jin Jiayu is not easy to explain there?" Le Anqi's voice became a little worried again: "Jin Jiayu fans have already scolded you online, Su Cha, what the **** is going on?"

Jin Jiayu is now a little flower on the front line. There are countless fans, and the fighting power is far from what their draft fans can compare. It is already exploding on Weibo.

You can't read any insults against Su Cha.

Although the report stated that it was Su Cha's role in grabbing others, Coke Angel instinctively felt that Su Cha would not do such a thing unless something else happened.

"I have a conflict with Jin Jiayu. She wants to clean me up. I'll do it first."

Su Cha explained the matter of Jin Jiayu lightly, and Le Anqi instantly understood: "No wonder!"

She was not involved in the circle, but she was also puzzled: "Isn't it troublesome to follow up with this change of angle?"

"Trouble, the crew will handle it."

Su Cha didn't say much, after all, Le Anqi was not suitable to know.


Le Anqi nodded seemingly incomprehensible, but quickly became happy for Su Cha: "It's hers, no matter what else, we can get the role to play our own, and those words on the Internet are very good. It will be over soon."

As long as this matter has become a foregone conclusion, no matter how curse it is, it will not help.

To some extent, Comrade Le Anqi is also very thick with Su Cha's filter.

Su Cha smiled: "I know, I don't care."

She did not let the company take action for the time being. She already knew that Jin Jiayu's brokerage company was making public opinion.

This incident caused Jin Jiayu to suffer such a big loss. It would be an endless situation to change to other actresses. Su Cha didn't think so, but Jin Jiayu certainly thought so.

If the character can't get it back, she will definitely find a way to make Su Cha suffer in other ways.

Because Su Cha got the role too suddenly, many people on WeChat asked Su Cha, including Su Cha's nominal mother Dai Xiaofu.

At first, she only recommended Su Cha to play an ordinary role. How did she become a female second in a flash?

If it was not for the assistant director to tell her, she didn't know about it yet.

The information on the Internet did not look much on behalf of Xiao Fu, she usually did not pay attention, but she probably knew it would be a **** storm. Trivia.

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