The Queen of Everything

Chapter 810: regret

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Dily pulled her violently, seeing her as if she was joking, and seeing her as if she had been crying, and then softened her voice: "Are you going to be angry? We were just kidding, you don't want to sing or sing. , But this is a special day tonight, we have appointed Long Ge and Fa Ge in the western suburbs. These are two important figures in the entertainment industry. If we win them tonight, they will invest in the TV series There will be drama."

In an instant, Le Anqi's heart began to rise with a bad hunch: "Just go to see them, why should you take me there, I am not interested!"

She had a little resource in front of the identity she had participated in the show. She didn't worry about it for the time being, and she never thought about it.

She's not stupid, how could she not hear the meaning of Dily's words, she didn't want to betray to such a degree.

Thanks to her making friends with Su Cha, she was always thinking that she knew Su Cha, she could not discredit her, it was an accident to get drugged, she had no choice, but for these things, she was afraid of accidents, Once something goes wrong, those reporters will definitely bring Su tea.

"Don't be kidding, don't you want to enter the entertainment industry? Without entering the entertainment industry, what kind of emperor art did you test and what kind of broadcasting system did you enter?"

Di Li pulled her hard, Le Anqi struggled hard.

When it finally failed to reach a certain level of strength, Dili was dragged into it by toughness.

Of course, everyone in the nightclub is strange, no one will think about what to stop.

Not a few seconds after they left, a tall figure suddenly appeared, and went vigorously to the place where they had just walked.

Because it was too sudden, she entered here again, but nobody stopped.

But some people think that the figure just now seems a bit familiar.


Le Anqi, who was dragged into the private room again, saw a few strangers in it, all of whom looked awkward. A few played with the sieve, but she was not strange, like a few rich second generations.

The other two, shaved with big bald heads, were wearing suits, but each person drank a bottle of beer, and felt that the suit was purely dressed.

Di Li took Le Anqi in and attracted the eyes of the private room. Di Li grinned and introduced Le Anqi to the eldest brothers: "Brother Long, Fa Ge, this is Le Anqi, my girlfriend."

When several people saw Le Anqi, their eyes lit up.

Dily clung to Le Anqi in a tough voice and said to her: "This is Brother Long and Fa Ge, calling people."

Le Anqi was a little bit hurt by Talle, and looking at the scene in front was a bit empty. This was the first time Dily had brought her to meet someone she didn't want to see.

He screamed hard: "Brother Long, good brother Fa."

Someone laughed next to him: "Children's family has never seen the world, don't mind Long Gefa."

"Of course I don't mind."

One of them patted the leather sofa next to him, grinning his big teeth, "Come, sit here."

Le Anqi didn't want to sit there, but Dily had already pushed her past. He also sat down next to Le Anqi and squeezed her there. For a moment, she could smell the smell of her big bald head. , That was a disgusting smell of body odor.

She almost wanted to vomit.

"Brother Long, for the first time, I let my girlfriend respect you a few glasses."

Dily began to pour wine and encouraged Le Angel to drink.

Le Anqi couldn't help it, and she knew very well that if she resisted herself, she might die faster.

She had already regretted it in her heart.

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