The Queen of Everything

Chapter 814: Irreversible

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Watching the entire video, I learned the whole process of Seventeen Niang, and Greia's voice was very clear: "This is no way, this is because the guests are in trouble."

Seventeen Niang feels a headache: "However, she does things like this twice, we still dare not control, who will dare to come to our places to consume in the future?"

Greia looked at her: "She came only twice."

Seventeen Niang: "..."

Are you still too little? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"This matter will be handled by her staff, the guests will find themselves dead. We are inconvenient to intervene."

Seventeen Niang was anxious.

It's inconvenient and I don't want to control it.

Since the leader returned, she felt that she had never done a positive thing. Sometimes she wondered if it was the right decision to invite the leader back.

This time she couldn't help it: "Leader, you always let her go three or two times, the people below us are really not convinced. If you have any consideration, what you say is that now, we are basically I don't understand what you mean. The last thing in the tree hall was finally suppressed..."

Before finishing, Greia suddenly stood up.

She smiled innocently, and when she walked in step by step toward the Seventeen Niang, she began to feel creepy, like a knife, resting on her neck.

Her neck was a little itchy, and after her pupils, she saw a huge centipede bug lying on her neck. In a flash, the hair fell upside down and her calf began to cramp.

"Do you have any opinions?"

Greia walked in front of her and smiled innocently: "Even if I deliberately, do you dare to control it? Do you choose to die in her hand or in my hand?"

Leng Khan dipped down the forehead of Seventeen Niang. She twitched her lips and apologized abruptly: "I'm sorry, lord..."

Greia just laughed out of satisfaction, and the seventeen maiden itch on her neck. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her leg. She looked down and saw that a worm tail disappeared from her calf. , As if burrowing into the skin, there was no trace of blood.

A huge fear rose to the heart of the Seventeen Niang. She looked at Greia with no blood on her face. The little girl sat back on the sofa and smiled innocently: "I will release it in a good mood, as long as you are honest . This is the price of your talk. I don’t like people who have any doubts about my opinion. That’s why I can take the position of the leader, and you can’t!”

Seventeen Niang had regretted her talkativeness at this time, but she had no choice but to hold back the fear in her heart.

Walking out of the door, she looked at her calf, and there was an urge to saw it down.

She has been killing the League for so many years, and she is not a good person, but she has never seen a person like Greya who is fun to torture people, especially she looks like a little girl, which is really chilling.

But at this time, it was too late to regret. She closed her eyes and a tear shed in the corner of her eyes.

Not because of grievances, but because the fear has reached its extreme point, and now relax, the body's conditioning.

It took a long time before she smiled wryly.

She began to have a hunch that the ally leader she invited back was probably not for the purpose of rectifying the slaying of the ally. She came back, but more of wanting the slaying of the ally to be in a state of utter unrest.

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