The Queen of Everything

Chapter 820: as long as you are happy

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Su Cha was in the school during the day and saw it by chance in the alliance group. Several people said that Mrs. Zuo's wife was hospitalized and planned to visit her.

The specific reason is unknown, it seems that he suddenly passed out.

Su Cha thought of Zuo Zhici returning home yesterday, but did not expect to show off so quickly.

Her temperament can't hide things.

There is not much emotion in her heart. She hates Ruan Yin, but what she hates is Ruan Yin’s weakness and inaction. She knows that Ruan Yin can’t resist Zuo Shaoxin. All the reasons are from Zuo Shaoxin. .

Seeing these things now, she only regarded them as not seeing.

Keep busy with your business.

Everyone has their own life to take care of.

However, she still raised her mind and went back to Zongjia in the afternoon.

Zong Yanxiu was not surprised to see her coming. He was doing rehabilitation in the house. Su Cha helped him in the past and let him walk a few more steps. Zong Yanxiu smiled bitterly: "Are you coming to see if I come? Go to the hospital."

It was also news that Mrs. Zuo was hospitalized anyway, and these families received news very quickly.

What's more, it's also quite loud. Some people in the hospital saw Zuo Shaoxin scolding his daughter.

Su Cha didn't speak, her calm eyes just looked at Zong Yanxiu.

Zong Yanxiu sighed: "I won't go."

Even if he went, Zuo Shaoxin would not let himself see Ruan Yin.

How small is his man's mind, Zong Yanxiu is clear.

Su Cha leaned over his head: "Just leave it alone."

I was afraid that Zong Yanxiu would not be content.

She promised that Zong Yanxiu would no longer manage Zuo's affairs, but she did not want Zong Yanxiu and Zuo's family to be involved.

To see Ruan Yin, absolutely not.

Zong Yanxiu suddenly asked her: "Are you going?"

Su Cha looked at him somewhat puzzled: "What am I going to do?"

Zong Yanxiu withdrew his eyes and looked at the distance, it seemed to be remembering something: "Nuan Yin was not in good health. She had fallen ill when she gave birth to you, and there were other problems. If I was too stimulated, I was worried Her body."

He said very calmly. Now he has faced Su Cha calmly and said his thoughts on Su Cha.

He missed the woman, but the only thing he had to do now was to promise his daughter to draw a line with them. There were only some things that he still had to say.

Su Cha lightly lip corners, said coldly: "Do you want to say good things for her now?"

Zong Yanxiu shook his head: "No matter how good I say, the scale is always in your heart. I can see that you have happened a lot because of them."

The changes in Su Cha are definitely not something that ordinary ordinary life can experience.

He didn’t dare to ask Su Cha what happened to him. Su Cha saw herself, the complaint of grievance, obviously telling him that many unimaginable things happened to her, these things can’t make her more in this world. In response to more good expectations, including her parents, she always hates.

General abandonment does not reach the level of hatred, so he has been afraid to ask.

As Su Cha said, some things are buried in the heart, the past is past.

Su Cha lowered her eyes and didn't say much, just said a little: "I won't see her."

What she does has nothing to do with herself.

Zong Yanxiu smiled, and the smile seemed to have a more inclusive taste. He touched Su Cha's hair: "With you, you can be happy."

Su Cha nodded, leaning his head on his shoulder, looking at the distance, his thoughts also drifted away.

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