The Queen of Everything

Chapter 826: Hebrew endorsement

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"Afraid of anything, my boyfriend is still afraid that I won't break the contract?"

A rich and powerful boyfriend never fears.

Tan Jinsui was speechless.

Fu Mo leaned forward curiously: "Uncle Tan, what contract is this?"

Su Cha urged Fu Mo: "Back, it's almost too late."

Tan Jinsui raised his eyebrows: "You have to listen to it anyway, the stars have to jump in this contract."

Su Cha is impatient: "Then you will talk!"

Tan Jinsui: "... Hebrew brand spokesperson for Asia, is this opening gift a surprise?"

Su Cha just froze for a moment, then urged Fu Mo: "I left, I'm going to be late."

Tan Jinsui: "...Can you show a little surprise."

The staff next to it just reacted, and they all passed out happily: "Brand spokesperson! God!"

"Is it actually the brand spokesperson, or Hebria, am I right? I am not the spokesperson for one of their products, is it the brand spokesperson directly?"

"...Ah, hasn't Hebria always been a regional spokesperson? How could there be another Asian spokesperson?"

Su Chala got on Tan Jinsui: "You get in the car and tell me."

Of course she knew it was significant, but what she could do, she couldn’t be more excited no matter how happy she was.

After getting in the car, Tan Jinsui said to Su Cha.

"Hiberia has been discussing this matter for a long time, and I have received news that the chief designer's original idea was even more crazy, but because the brand executives did not agree, the board of directors did not reach an agreement and chose a compromise. Hebria Open up an endorsement in Asia. If you have no problems with endorsement and can promote sales to a certain extent, you will be a global spokesperson for Hebria two years later."

Hiberia's endorsement has always been the existence of the world's stars. This year's global endorsement of the brand is a true world-class superstar. Su Cha and her have been separated by a thousand miles.

The Chinese stars have never dared to think about the global endorsement of this series, and it has never been Asia’s turn for so many years.

Hibiya Supreme has only given its product endorsement ambassador to China, and the brand spokesperson and all other names are not a concept.

I was previously mocked for not having a big-name endorsement, but now the result is coming, I have to say that it was a coincidence.

"It's your opening gift."

Tan Jinsui turned over the contract and made it clear that the matter was clear, "We will go to the United States to shoot the brand endorsement ads and cover shots after the new year. The official cooperation will also be released after the New Year. Anyway, the contract has been signed now. No need to worry about other things, and your endorsement fee is 10 million this time."

Su Cha enlisted: "Heberia is really generous."

After all, she gave 10 million before she came out, and it was indeed generous.

Tan Jinsui smiled, and the venue for the release of "He Di Zhu" also arrived.

Tan Jinsui gave Su Cha a manuscript. These were all questions that reporters at the time had to ask. The manuscripts all said how to answer them. This was common in the circle. Su Cha did not refuse and took it directly. past.

The day after entering the press conference, both Shao Tianwen and Mu Jiao had arrived. Han Yongbing came over and asked if Su Cha was ready. Su Cha nodded.

On such occasions, she has always been worthless, simply read the manuscript in her hand and memorized the answer to the question.

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