The Queen of Everything

Chapter 829: celebrate

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Students in the same class, seeing this scene, are a bit complicated in their hearts.

These basic courses are all cultural courses. It is not easy to say, and it is not difficult to say, but everyone should take care of the performance of their professional courses in addition to learning performance. It is good to get excellent results.

Su Cha took second place in the whole year. Not only were they shocked by the acting department, but other departments were shocked.

[Wipe, she heard that the class didn’t go well this year? I’m outside to participate in various activities, so I can still take the first grade of the year. I am really convinced! 】

[Who made Didu University frenzied, and divided some full-year courses, I dare not say anything after the 200 students]

[Tannima is nonsense, and now the trailers of her TV shows are out, so that she can take the second place, I really kneel to her completely]

[Have you forgotten that the performance department you entered as the No. 1 champion is still participating in the TV program on the eve of the college entrance examination, and you took the No. 1 champion to find out? 】

[Where is she coming from? 】

[If she enters another department, I'm afraid it will change. How could she enter the acting department with such a talent? Delay the future! 】

[Fu Mo, the key first, is her assistant. These two are poisonous. Fu Mo also often accompanied her to run announcements, but could she still be the first? ? ? ? 】

[Her assistant Fu Mo is still the professional first...]


The school forum has already exploded for ranking.

Because the professional departments in universities are different, each professional department has a different score, and it can affect the final ranking. The awards taken by students and various achievements will affect the results. So these results are There will be no annual ranking.

The exception to Didu University is that the only year-round ranking is the basic course. There are not many basic courses, but they are all required for the year-round, and they are exam papers, and they will not be affected by other scores. Therefore, there is a year-round comprehensive ranking. .

For many people, it is very powerful to be able to get a professional first or a certain project first, not to mention that the performance department has never been in the top three of the basic courses.

They have to be busy shooting various advertisements to cope with the media and filming TV series. Where does Su Cha come to learn?

Coach, I want to report her opening.

Not only were the students surprised, the teachers were also shocked.

Her mentor Jing Yilan had some opinions about Su Cha's busy schedule. She is more popular in Diyi or the media, but in the eyes of Jing teacher, she has just entered school and must settle down a lot.

But now that she saw Su Cha's final grades at the end of the semester, she was relieved.

Su Cha also has no major problems in performance. Coupled with the training of the crew, good results are also expected.

Such excellent talents can be considered as a positive presence in the performance department.

After getting the results, Su Cha sent the news to the alliance group for the first time, and also called Zong Yanxiu.

He was very happy and asked Su Cha to take Bo Mu with him to dinner in Zong's family tonight, saying that he would celebrate Su Cha.

After Su Cha came back from school, he told Bo Mu that he was still in the company when he was eating at Zong's family tonight. He would pass by later, and Su Cha looked at Le Anqi first.

After half a month of treatment, the current Le Anqi has recovered a lot, his face is ruddy, his cheeks are filling up a little, and when Su tea is coming, his eyes are bright: "You are here? I heard that you got the score Is it right?"

Their vacation time is different from that of Emperor Yi, a little later. Although she took the leave, she will soon go back to school to take some exams.

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