The Queen of Everything

Chapter 838: explosion

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It is precisely because of recent upsets that Su Cha is now thinking about Tan Jinsui’s proposal.

He made him not to expose Bo Muyi's existence, that is to say he would not admit that he had a boyfriend for the time being.

But now that the outside world is upset, she is wondering whether to announce that she has a boyfriend first.

But that will inevitably lead to some speculation, of course, she is now a woman with a gold master.

Only now the meaning is different.

In fact, when the news of Zhai Yao broke out, she wanted the company to suppress it for the first time, but it was still relatively fast, and it could not be suppressed at all. There was also a pusher behind Zhai Yao. She thought it was Lianchi.

But Bo Mu also generally knew that this kind of news would explode immediately, asking people to completely seal Zhai Yao, but he didn't move much.

She also asked last night, and Bo Mu also said it was because of the movement of Lian Chi.

Su Cha also didn't know why Lian Chi was frustrated and mad about why Zhai Yao was her ex-boyfriend.

——She still thinks that Bo Muyi's reaction is a bit abnormal.

I stepped on the snow and played for a while, my feet creaked, and soon Su Cha received another message. Tan Yeluo told her that because of the recent movement of the Star League, he began to collect materials against the officials behind the League of Stars. One of the internal officials went out today and was killed in a car accident.

It seemed an accident, but Tan Yeluo knew that it was a murder.

"It's time to kill the League."

They started much harder than Xingmeng, and directly killed.

Su Cha was expressionless: "Let's do it too."

There will always be casualties once this kind of war is started. The people sitting in this position are more or less involved in the interests. Not to mention the killing of the alliance, even if you die, you should contribute to the country.

If it is another ally, it may be necessary to consider doing things. Su Cha’s direct order still makes Tan Yelu hesitant: "Let’s do it directly?"

Su Cha breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a vast white mist in her mouth: "Someone will always die, and I'm being stared at. Now, I will see who can live to the end."

She lost, she finished, the other side lost, the other side finished, it's that simple.

This battle is not only in private, but the royal court competition on the Ming side is unstoppable. Once lost, Su Cha can never stand on the Ming side.

Perhaps it can only save lives.

So, let her learn the gentleman?

Of course it is impossible.

Dawn is still going to go, even if she does not go, Greia will come.

The order instructed to continue, Su Cha went out.

She drove out the car by herself, and the hundreds of thousands of cars in the imperial capital are not too high-profile. The hat is very big and she wears sunglasses. No one can see it.

Unless it is a paparazzi who has practiced fire eyes.

Su Cha drove the car to a shopping mall, went to buy some things, embroidery needed.

After buying, she came to the underground parking lot, the moment she came to the car, her expression suddenly froze, and then the whole person quickly backed away and ran wildly towards the other side.

Three seconds later, with a "bang", her vehicle exploded directly.

The huge impact force can even feel the huge waves even if Su Cha has been far away, the whole shopping mall was shocked by the explosion, Su Cha turned back, the fire was all over the sky, and at that moment, her internal force surged wildly Then, she moved away several cars parked next to her to avoid being burned by fire and causing more explosions.

Only her car, after the explosion, the wreckage of the whole car started to burn.

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