The Queen of Everything

Chapter 841: Break the law

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When Qin Bei and Jin Jiayu woke up, they were both tied up.

His eyes were blindfolded, and there was only darkness in front of him.

At first I thought I was alone, until a panicked female voice came from Qin Bei: "Where am I?"

A string in Qin Bei's brain broke off immediately, and the voice was familiar. She asked a bit sharply at the time: "Why are you here?"

No, how could she be here?

She was clearly abroad!

She went to a country far away!

The heart began to tremble at this moment, and Jin Jiayu's more alarmed voice sounded: "Yeah, why am I here?"

The words stopped suddenly.

She remembered that she was clearly in the swimming pool at home, and she met three black men who broke into her house with a gun, and then she was stunned, and she knew nothing.

Qin Bei also remembered what happened before her coma. She was stunned on the street. Was she kidnapped...

But who will be kidnapped together with Jin Jiayu? Jin Jiayu is so far away from her!

In other words, she may have been shipped back to China now?

Thinking of this, Qin Bei's heart was cold.

The uneasy feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

She struggled hard, but the rope on her hand was tightly tightened. Instead, she tightened tighter and felt a bit of pain.

Clenching his teeth, Jin Jiayu next to him cried with a crying voice: "Where are we? Who actually kidnapped us? If he asks for money, we also have..."

No one answered them.

In the dark, they can amplify all people's feelings. They are in a panic. They seem to hear a footstep.

The sound of the footsteps was very slight, and it seemed very regular when walking, with light and heavy strength, but at this moment, they exacerbated the uneasiness in their hearts.


As if the door was being opened, Qin Bei felt that they could see it in front of them.

The moment the line of sight returned to clear light, the light was still dazzling. The two of them blinked hard to get familiar with the light. It was not until they opened their eyes carefully that they saw a figure standing in front of them.

"Su tea?"

"Su tea?"

Qin Bei and Jin Jiayu screamed at the same time, the difference was that one with extremely intense hatred, one had realized what was wrong.

"What did you see me doing so unexpectedly?"

The girl stood in front of them, her smile was perfectly decent, beautiful and unparalleled, but it made people feel creepy.

The coldness of Jin Jiayu's back oozed out: "Why are you here?"

Why is Su Cha here, if she is here, wouldn't it prove many things...

Their affairs were revealed.

Thinking of this, the two men looked pale.

Even worse, they were caught by Su Cha.

"The person who caught us is you. Do you know that you are breaking the law?"

Even if he was caught, he could never let it go. Jin Jiayu gritted his teeth to look at Su Cha, and looked at the more mature and graceful girl, feeling that the jealousy in his heart was rising violently.

Su Cha's casual eyes glanced at her, and there was a smile on her lips: "Jin Jiayu, you said that since the last time, I haven't come to trouble you, nor have I tried to kill you, you are really alive I'm too impatient, so I want to come to death, find someone to kill me, and connect with Qin Bei, you two, you can."

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