The Queen of Everything

Chapter 844: With rhythm

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At the same time, after several days of hot news, Zhai Yao began to enter the public eye.

Everyone knows him, although he is not good at singing, but he is a sunny boy. The gentleman's movements inadvertently displayed in the variety show are very good. With a shy smile, Zhai Yao sucked. A wave of powder.

Some people have even started to take out the set of pink circles to protect him, thinking that Zhai Yao and Su Cha broke up correctly.

Now that a person has been supported by the gold master, how can such a simple person be with such a woman?

Sucha admires it very much.

Simple, shy and shy.

She could understand what it means to be the ultimate fictional design.

Lianchi is also a personal talent, able to put these words on Zhai Yao.

I just don't have a face at all.

Bo Mu didn't even deal with Zhai Yao. Su Cha had already vaguely guessed something. She was looking at Zhai Yao in prosperity. By the way, she wanted to see what he could do and what purpose he had.

After the release of the trailer of "He Di Zhuan" recently, this TV series has attracted a lot of attention. Su Cha's topic has been very high. Now that her "love" has spread, many people feel that this time it is deliberately hype. Perhaps it is In order to give Su tea a stir.

Coupled with the special relationship between the two, a cult fan started to appear.

Yes, CP powder of Zhai Yao and Su tea came out.

A bunch of people randomly edited a bunch of'couple jewelry photos' that Su Cha and Zhai Yao could not beat together, and analyzed them in 360 degrees. It is possible that Su Cha and Zhai Yao had already combined. The two people It is also a broken wire.

Although in private, the two did not even have a photo.

Su Cha has never seen Zhai Yao, CP fans are so vowed, people without knowledge may be brainwashed.

There is even a new topic #When will Zhai Yao and Su Cha announce the compound#, in this way, a newcomer, Xiao Xianrou, who has no debut, easily stands out from the struggling fresh meat, because Su The identity of the tea ex-boyfriend gradually began to gain great attention.

People in the industry generally believe that this is a deliberate cooperation between the two companies, but Zhai Yao is a little flustered.

Sang Shishi saw those topics on Weibo, and was angrily eager to drop her phone: "You didn't tell me that you wouldn't have anything to do with her when you came to the Imperial Capital, why now even Weibo topics are starting to take up Your rhythm, Zhai Yao, did you still forget her in your heart? Did you forget how you were treated by her? She scrapped your legs, and you still think of her when your legs hurt when it rains No? Then she really left you an indelible mark!"

Sang Shishi and Zhai Yao were together after Su Cha left, which was originally an unspoken thing, especially during that time Zhai Yao was still healing.

But I don't know what's going on. Since being beaten by Su Cha, Zhai Yao looks very healthy on the surface. His legs hurt every rainy day. He went to see the doctor. The doctor said it was a sequelae left behind. In a humid climate, the bones that were originally restored can't bear it, and the legs will naturally hurt.

Zhai Yao heard Su Cha’s name turned black: "What are you crazy about here, how can I still have a relationship with her? This Weibo topic and hot search is not done by our company at all, it was intentional With rhythm!"

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