The Queen of Everything

Chapter 846: Publicly, I have a boyfriend

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

Of course, this matter is also more serious than expected.

Su Cha has a fan base in private, and some fan bosses have come to ask Su Cha if it really happened.

They are fans, and a lot of things have to be told to the fans below through them. Fu Mo has been keeping in touch.

They are asking, it means that they have opened up in private.

Su Cha thought about it, not just to clarify the matter. Since some people wanted an identity to be named, she still had the final say.

If you are really married or something else, you will naturally follow the announcement.

After thinking about it, Su Cha officially clarified the news on Weibo.

Sucha V: Recently, some news has really caused trouble for me. The past things have passed for a long time, and there is no need to miss it. I already have a boyfriend, an outsider, and I can’t disclose any information for his privacy, so I’m sorry fans. In addition, my actual age is 19 years old, one year older than my ID card. Everyone has a past, and I am no exception. Some things are always going on. Recently, my boyfriend has been jealous. I hope there will be no more rumours of catching the wind and catching the shadow.

——If you deny it, deny it. Why should you announce that you still have a boyfriend? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

——You actually have a boyfriend! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

——Who is your boyfriend, tell me, let me kill him

——No, no, no, no, I refuse to believe, you actually have a boyfriend, which wild man is really mad at me!

-Fortunately, I'm just your face powder...

——Wow, it’s really a bar. You haven’t got any results yet, you just announced you have a boyfriend?

——It’s not him, but I let out a sigh of relief, and I want to step on one of your superiors. You can’t ask for it.

——So CP fans are really stupid. It's really stinking, two people who have nothing to do must force the relationship

——So it seems that the ability to speculate against the family... 啧啧啧啧


Her news was abrupt, and it is reasonable for the stars to clarify these scandals. The unbelievers would not believe it when they did not see the real evidence. Even when they saw it, they could deny it with their eyes closed.

As a result, Su Cha not only denied it, but also directly admitted that she had a new boyfriend...

This is simply a bomb.

Including "The Legend of Crane Emperor" there is a bit of ignorance. I wonder if Su Cha deliberately released big news to hype the heat for his TV series.




So the question is, who is Su Cha’s boyfriend?

Su Cha’s gold affair has not yet been explained clearly. She said that the outsiders in her boyfriend circle are the senior leaders of the Dimu Group.


Is it possible that Su Cha directly described Jinzhu as a boyfriend?

Su Cha would like to like this.

She immediately sent a call to Bo Mu after posting on Weibo.

"You are happy now."

Su Cha is not very angry with this sentence, just a little helpless: "I knew that Zhai Yao did it for you."

"Don't say him, don't want to hear his name."

The man groaned angrily. Although he had just seen Su Cha announced that she had a boyfriend, she was quite satisfied, but Bo Mu also began to measure inwardly: "You can elaborate. It's okay to say another boyfriend's surname Bo."

Su Cha chuckled: "The surname is Bo, and the outsiders already knew that I was deeply involved with the Dimu Group. Only the senior executives of the group were only surnamed Bo, so if you say that, wouldn't it be exposed?"

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