The Queen of Everything

Chapter 861: I do not hate you

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Time flies, there are some things that seem to have passed for a long time, but they are always there forever, leaving traces that people cannot forget.

When Zong Yanxiu came to the hospital on crutches, he saw Zuo Zhi who was guarding here.

Zuo Zhici didn't expect that he would come. When she saw Zong Yanxiu, she was a little surprised. She cried a long time ago. Now her eyes are red. When she saw Zong Yanxiu, she called out with difficulty: "Uncle Zong."

Zong Yanxiu nodded and smiled softly at her, and asked softly, "How is your mother now?"

Zuo Zhi's word refers to the inside of the ward, "inside, just woke up."

She received a notice that someone came to see Ruan Yin before she came out.

I thought it was Sucha, but it was Zong Yanxiu.

She looked after Zong Yanxiu and asked expectantly, "Did your sister come?"

Zong Yanxiu shook his head: "Your sister said she had something."

A trace of bleakness flashed in Zuo Zhi's eyes. Everyone knew that something was an excuse.

In fact, I really can't blame her.

She looked up and smiled with a sad beauty: "Uncle Zong, I will take you in."

She brought Zong Yanxiu into the house, and the pale man sitting on the hospital bed turned her head. When she saw Zongyan Xiu, the whole person looked a little stunned.

As if the memories overlap, as if the time had intersected, and finally painted the familiar face in front of the person.

Her shocked hands were shaking, and at the first moment of seeing Zong Yanxiu, her tears drowned, shaking her voice: "Fan Xiu..."

He stood there, even on crutches, as he did in the past, the style is still the same, only a few more years of precipitation.

As Ruan Yin saw him for the first time, the lights and shadows were intertwined. He wore a white suit and stood in the center of the crowd. His eyes were picturesque and gorgeous. It was the perfect existence of the most nostalgic time.

He called her tenderly: "Nuan Yin."

Ruan Yin.

Even after so many years, something like that happened, he still didn't hate her.

He still had a smile in his eyes, holding the familiar light in Ruan Yin's memory.

Zuo Zhici watched silently for a while, and closed the door.

Some things, just let the adults talk for themselves.

He walked to the bed with crutches. Until then, seeing that he was walking steadily, Ruan Yin realized that there was something wrong with his legs. She became pale for a while, and remembered the incident that year, she suddenly covered her Face: "You still see what I do? I did something like that to you, why did you come to see me? You should hate me, you should hate me!"

"I do not hate you."

He says.

This remark is more uncomfortable than hating you.

Ruan felt like a knife.

How could she do that kind of thing to hurt the gentle and kind person in front of her?

He has such a noble background, he has everything perfect, he has a brighter future.

All this was destroyed by her and Zuo Shaoxin.

Even if I come back now, everything has changed, and they have destroyed his ten years.

Ruan Yin's body was shaking, but now his body was weak. At this moment, he felt more uncomfortable. Because of her poor condition in the past few days, she looked extremely ugly and the whole person quickly became old.

Once people start to grow old, try their best to maintain, and once slack, it will be a terrible consequence.

Ruan Yin did not want Zong Yanxiu to see what he is now.

"Nuan Yin."

He gently called her again, put down his cane, and sat in a chair beside her bed.

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