The Queen of Everything

Chapter 899: Not a heart

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Su Cha did not refuse, this is normal.

When he saw Zhai Yao died there, Su Cha realized that he couldn't get away.

No way, she and Fu Mo went to the police station together.

It was just a simple confession, it was found that Su Cha was not present at the time, and it was sufficient to prove that, and Bo Muyi knew that there was a future call, and the police station was released.

She came out of the bureau and returned to Wangge, where she saw that Bo Mu was also waiting for her. She said directly, "Zhai Yao is dead."

Bo Mu also heard the words, squeezed his thin lips, and the ink-colored pupils looked deeply at this side: "He died, he died."

For such a person, let alone others, he is polite without laughing.

"I know you didn't do it."

Su Cha put down her coat and frowned, "Greia killed it."

Bo Mu also gently "huh?"

"It's strange. Although there is no evidence, the wound is too obvious. The information Fu Mo learned is that there are two wounds on Zhai Yao's neck that were bitten by insects. This wound is too conspicuous, and the blood in his body was A part of it was drained, so there was a wound on the neck, but there was no blood on the scene, including none of his clothes."

She also didn't understand Greya's approach: "Why did Greiya kill Zhai Yao? But Zhai Yao deserved it. The police said he still has a knife in his body. I had a shooting job in the building today, and the nanny car stopped at Opposite his car, what do you say he wants to do?"

She sneered, even if there was no Greia, Zhai Yao could not hurt her half.

Bo Mu also had a deep face, and he sneered: "It's really death."

The implication is even more deserved.

If he really started with Su Cha at the time, perhaps it was not Greja who killed him.

"Why is Greia interested in working with him?"

This is indeed a problem.

Su Cha shook her head: "Trouble, it's not a good thing for me anyway. The police knew that I had some grudges with him. He is now dead, the surveillance is destroyed, and there is no other evidence. They now suspect that I am the murderer Zhai Yao. ."

"I will deal with the police affairs."

Bo Mu also got up and hugged her, "I won't let irrelevant things obstruct your eyes."

Su Cha nodded, still thinking a little: "How did Zhai Yao meet Greya?"

"who knows?"

Bo Mu also chuckled: "If you are so interested, why not ask yourself?"

"Forget it."

Su Cha smiled and said, "I went to kill the League twice and again. The elders in the past didn't use the question to play, but now they are blocking their mouths, but this kind of suspicion that is easy to cause is still not going, unless there is a contradiction... …"

She paused for a moment: "Did you know the movement to kill the alliance recently?"

Bo Mu also shook his head: "The movement is not large, and they are always competing with the court forces."

Similar to what Su Cha received.

The competition between the Star Alliance and the Kill Alliance has not ended from the year before to the present, but the friction in private has become less and less, as if all disputes have been placed on the bright side for power.

To be honest, this is not in line with the style of killing alliances.

Including the host who killed the League, they have been detained, and Shutang has not seen anyone to rescue him.

"I have an idea."

Bo Mu also placed his chin on Sucha’s shoulder and muttered, “A league, the leader and deputy leader, have you ever thought that if the leader and deputy leader are not the same heart?”

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