The Queen of Everything

Chapter 904: Memories

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(This book is not going to be written outside, so some of the memories will be cross-written in the main text. There is not much space. For those who do not plan to subscribe, please see the title. The ones with memories are the stories from childhood.)

13 years ago, Linjia Town, C City, Tianyang Province

Linjia Town is a small village surrounded by mountains and water. It is located in the depths of the mountains. Although the traffic is not convenient, the scenery inside is beautiful. There are a few ethnic and Han people living in it. The folk customs are simple and can be called a paradise.

In Linjia Town, most of them are surnamed Lin, which is the origin of Linjia Town.

But Linjia Town also has a lot of immigrants, many of whom came to settle down after hearing that the environment is good.

Among them was a young man named Zong Yanxiu.

He looks extremely good, at least in the opinion of the people in this town, the most beautiful town grass in the town has never caught up with him.

He is handsome and beautiful, but does not look feminine and has a gentle personality.

Like a man who grew up in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a calmness and peace.

Many girls in the town greeted him every time they saw him.

He lived in one of the old houses in the town. This old house was not too luxurious. It was bought by him at the beginning. Tens of thousands of dollars was a small sum. Everyone knows that he is not only handsome, but also rich.

It is a pity that he has a daughter.

His daughter followed him, and if he looked closely, he would not feel like him, but he was clever, delicate, and beautiful. In the eyes of many people in the town, this was his daughter.

He only came here with his daughter and lived for five years.

His daughter also changed from a baby to a female doll, and she took classes in school with other classmates in the town.

Someone once asked why there was no wife in his family. The young man always smiled and said in a very gentle tone: "The child, his mother. There are some things in a foreign country that I can't come back. I like to take The children live here, it's quiet, no one bothers."

Although he is unclear, for people in the town, foreign countries are a distant word.

Some of them may not even have been out of town in their entire lives, so naturally they think it is a very mysterious thing.

Since then, no one asked again.

Quite a lot of people aimed at him and wanted to introduce him to his girlfriend, but they were all turned down by him.

He refused to be very gentle, only saying that the child has a mother and will come back sooner or later.

The people in the town are not good enough to embarrass him, not to mention such a gentle person, they feel a little sinful when embarrassed.

If you change it elsewhere, I'm just afraid that there will be a lot of gossip.

He occasionally takes his children out, and when he comes back, he has a lot of gadgets from the outside world, telling the people in the town to open his eyes. Sometimes he also gives something very generous to the people in the town, which of course makes it even more impossible for people to go. Explore what secrets he has.


Another afternoon, Su Cha came back from class and grunted, opened the door and found that there was no one in the lobby, and went to the refrigerator while talking.

She was a little hungry, turned over the refrigerator and found that there was fruit on the top, but it was still too tall for her height. She looked around, found a low bench, and stepped up to get an apple out.

Just about to bite, I heard a voice gently and softly falling down: "Xiaocha, how many times have I said, don't eat ice directly, it will pull the belly."

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