The Queen of Everything

Chapter 909: Staff

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

Su Cha and Bo Mu also took the exclusive elevator together, and Bai Kun had already started reporting to him on the company's internal business.

Su Cha felt his brain hurt after listening for a few seconds.

Today is the Lantern Festival.

Is it good to have a happy holiday at home?

By the time he reached his office, Bai Kun had already reported several businesses, and the speed of speech was extremely fast. Bo Mu also listened in and quickly made corresponding instructions for these things. Su Cha found that Bai Kun was only Listen, it's pure brain recording.

Su Cha is even more admired. If it is her, the speed and simple language of Bo Mu's instruction is a bit laborious to understand, let alone do things.

It is also non-human to be able to stay with Bo Mu for so long.

When he arrived at his office, he did things more seriously than at home. After a series of instructions, Su Cha heard his order to meet with several foreign executives.

She finally found a place where she could intervene: "Mu Yi, you will have a meeting later, or should I go down and around?"

She wants to see the working environment of Dimu Group.

She had just asked Pak Kun. Today's Lantern Festival, although there are some executives, but not many staff.

With so many floors, many are empty, and you don't have to worry about any doubts caused by someone you meet.

"Aren't you here?"

Bo Mu also frowned, and was a little unhappy. "You said you'd better come with me."

"I'm just going around, you can't keep me here looking at you all the time."

Bo Mu also fell silent, and suddenly some aggrieved openings said: "Am I not pretty?"

Su Cha: "..."

How does this answer her?

She sighed: "You look good, it looks good, but after a long time..."

Seeing that Bo Muyi's face was about to change, Su Cha smiled and said: "Of course it looks better after a long time. I will go down and visit your company. Is it okay? I just turn around and don't make trouble."

"I don't worry about you making trouble..."

Bo Mu also shook his head, a little helpless: "Give you half an hour, go and see, I just asked Bai Kun to enter your fingerprint, you can take my elevator to go to any floor. 75 and 7677 floors are available In the snack department, the management staff will usually go to get some food. If you are hungry, just go there and get it."

"it is good."

Su Cha answered, and happily took the elevator.

In fact, she didn't have a destination, so she just strolled around to see what environment and atmosphere Bo Mu worked in. She chose a 68 floor and the elevator automatically reported to the floor department.

"Information Department, Group F."

A department is still divided into such groups, you can imagine how many employees there are.

When the elevator went down, as soon as she opened the door, she looked at the probe, and no one was there.

She went out and looked at it casually, without looking at the staff's information. She just looked at the side. Compared to Bo Muyi's rigor, Su Cha found that their company's staff should be easy to work. She saw several seats. All dolls playing with pillows should be female employees.

There is no special requirement for the company to arrange the face, the overall decoration style also looks very warm.

Su Cha thinks that it may be the abstinence style of Bo Mu.

"Huh? Isn't all your F group on holiday?"

Suddenly, when someone came out of an office and saw Sucha, he was stunned for a while, and seemed to regard her as an employee here.

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