The Queen of Everything

Chapter 911: doubt

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Then she saw that the elevator exclusive to President BOSS was showing in operation.

She was so shocked that she couldn't believe it.

The elevator of the total boss, except for the occasional use of Botesuke with the total boss, usually have to take other elevators alone.

This is the division of the internal management level of the Dimu Group. Since it is exclusive, it must belong to only one person.

Now, why can others go up directly?

She felt like she knew something terrible. She kept watching the elevator figure jump up, and finally stopped at the 99th floor.


Today, the boss seems to be coming to work, the Lantern Festival.

She was not stupid, and immediately reacted. The girl was definitely not as simple as a relative of Bertrand. She might still be fooling her.

Thinking of this, she changed her face and immediately walked towards the front desk, whispering to the beautiful **** duty at the front desk: "Did you see the girl who just went in?"

The front desk nodded: "I see, I feel familiar..."

"look familiar?"

The woman was amazed: "What do you know? She came down with me and said that she was a relative of Bote, but did you know what I saw just now? She was sitting alone on the exclusive elevator of the big boss, Bote. Usually an elevator that no one can take."


The receptionist widened his eyes: "How is it possible?"

This is a big event.

Without the permission of the big boss, who dares to use his elevator?

I haven't seen anyone use it for so many years.

Even if other customers come to China, either they will go up with the big boss, or they will be taken by the high-level guests to the VIP channel, and they have never seen anyone sit alone.

The woman nodded: "I saw it with her own eyes. She was still on the 99th floor. I saw that she had entered her fingerprints. Can you check the fingerprint data stored in the library today? Haven't you seen her before? Appeared today."

"I don't have this permission."

The front desk shook her head directly: "Since you said she was on the 99th floor, then her authority is definitely not what I can see."

She said so, the woman also showed a thoughtful expression.

The front desk suddenly clapped his palms suddenly: "Ah, I remember, isn't she the star? The...surnamed Su...Sucha! Yeah, Sucha!"

The woman opened her eyes: "Su tea?"

"Yes, Sister Hong, a star who just got on fire in the second half of last year. The singing is good. I still have the songs she sang when she participated in the show on my mobile phone. I have been to the Chanel show a few days ago, yes, it’s her ! I said it looks familiar."

With such an explanation, Sister Hong also understood.

Her face was slightly subtle now: "A star... on the office floor of the big boss?"

The front desk heard the words and looked a little secret. "Is it...?"

Sister Hong shook her head: "It should not be possible..."

Big boss has never heard of gossip, even if many people know that he is young.

But in the company, the thing that dare not arrange BOSS is one. The second is that there are really no similar rumors.

He is either at work or at home every day, and has never heard of any women around him.

Of course, there may be others, but they are not qualified to know.

It's just that Su Cha's identity is a star, and that their group usually comes into contact with stars. Some gossip news is much more heard, and they understand some of the truth.

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