The Queen of Everything

Chapter 914: Memories

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This little boy is expensive, and he wears top fabrics, especially if the plane is still a private jet.

Such a family is certainly amazing.

It is also Zong Yanxiu, and changing someone else may not be able to guess the child's identity for the first time.

"Thin...Bo Mu also..."

The child's tone was very low. He didn't believe it when he heard Zong Yanxiu. In fact, he heard Zong Yanxiu saying this subconsciously, and he already guessed something. He deflated his mouth and hugged his knees into the bed. Shrink, obvious self-protection gesture.

He doesn't seem to trust people here.

Zong Yanxiu understood it and said nothing, but continued: "Do you know the phone in your house? I can call and let your family come to pick you up."

Such a family should have someone else even if the parents are gone.

As long as you call back, someone will always pick you up.

What material Bo Mu also shook his head, apparently did not know.

He curled up with only a pair of eyes, and across the small curtain gap, he saw the little girl staring at himself.

She is very white, and there is still some meat at this time. It looks round and round, but it looks good.

It can be seen that they are usually raised well.

When Zong Yanxiu saw him staring at Su Cha, he patted Su Cha on the shoulder: "You are here with your brother."

"it is good."

Xiao Sucha agreed at once, took off his shoes happily, and crawled to the bed.

Seeing this, Zong Yanxiu smiled and went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner.

As a result, as soon as Xiao Sucha climbed up, he saw that the little brother was very unwilling to retreat inside, and there seemed to be a trace of disgust in his eyes.

She was stiff all her body. Although she was young, she understood that she was suspicious. She flattened her mouth, and the grievances shrank again.

This is her bed.

With her mouth bulging, she stood by the bed and looked at the little brother.

"You... what's your name?"

For a long time, she heard the little brother speak, and forgot the unpleasantness just now, and said happily: "My surname is Su, my name is Su Cha! My father calls me Xiao Cha!"

"Is your father also named Su?"

The little brother suddenly asked such a question, Xiao Su tea was stunned, suddenly a small finger stuck in the mouth dumbly: "It seems not that hey..."

What do people call dad's here?

Zong Yanxiu?

Oh yeah, why is Dad surnamed Zong and she surnamed Su?

This problem is enough to distress the little girl. The teenagers here have begun to look at the environment inside the house.

Although he was young, he also knew that to protect himself, at least some basic information.

Although I knew in my heart, Mom and Dad might have an accident.

Just before he knew the truth for sure, he always had a glimmer of hope in his heart.


The little girl leaned over again and looked at him with big eyes, with a puzzled expression: "Is your surname thin? Which thin? What a strange surname."

The eleven-two-year-old looked at her silently, and after a while explained: "Thin, thin..."

Xiao Sucha asked again: "Which thin is thin?"

The boy paused for a moment, and then quickly said: "You really have no education."

Xiao Su Tea: "Well, people are only in the first grade now. Many words are not recognized, so you are smart."

The little brother didn't like to talk at all, and Xiao Su didn't like to play with him anymore, and was about to slip to the kitchen to find his father.

Seeing that she was leaving, the teenager was a little flustered, mainly in an unfamiliar environment, and he was rarely accompanied by a little baby.

Xiao Su Cha turned his head, his eyes widened greatly, "It's rude, I said, my name is Su Cha."

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