The Queen of Everything

Chapter 923: Assassination

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

"It should be, from the company to here, ten minutes, that car has been behind us, I tried to reduce the speed, he has not exceeded us."

This is obviously a problem.

Many of the vehicles next to it have already passed Fu Mo, and this one is following slowly.

Su Cha narrowed her eyes slightly, because the facial features were strengthened, so Su Cha could probably feel that there were several people in the car.

What does it look like, the car glass is too dark, so it is hard to see.

"Five people."

A car was actually full.

That is an ordinary car, five people is a standard full seat.

"What should we do now?"

The green light was on, and the vehicle in front had already started moving forward. Fu Mo asked Su Cha's opinion.

Su Cha hesitated for a while and then said: "Continue to the direction of the hotel, I will pay attention to them."

Fu Mo drove the car back to the hotel according to the instructions, and Su Cha kept paying attention to the car, and found that they had been following Su Cha's vehicle slowly.

Probably afraid of being discovered, they have been very careful about the position of the two cars across Su Cha's car, but they were still noticed by the vigilant Fu Mo.

Su Cha through the occasional steering and speed reduction, almost see a few people in the car, are strong men.

Probably still foreigners.

At first glance, this kind of dressing is problematic, but there are also security and other protective forces on the side of the hotel. What is this car going to do with it?

The whole process is a prosperous area, there is basically no gap, if they want to start, there is no suitable mobile phone meeting.

"Watching me?"

Su Cha thought slightly, but it didn't look like it.

If it was just surveillance, she should have noticed it during the day. If Fu Mo reminded the car of the problem just now, she might not have noticed these people.

So it should be driven directly at night to track.

About ten minutes later, the car arrived at the hotel.

Instead of driving the car directly to the parking lot, Su Cha and Fu Mo got out of the car, let the hotel's porter park the car to a suitable location, and then entered the hotel directly.

In their casual sight, they saw the car straight away, and did not stop at the hotel door.

Su Cha still feels something is wrong.

When she went upstairs, Fu Mo took the room card and opened the door. At this moment, Su Cha seemed to see a red light. Her pupils shrank, and Fu Mo's body was stretched out with a quick pull.


With a strange sound, a bullet suddenly hit the door that Su Cha hadn't had time to close. If she didn't pull Fu Mo just now, the bullet would directly hit Fu Mo.

Fu Mo was shocked, and there was a cold sweat behind her, she said in a panic: "Classmate Su."

Su Cha put her finger between her lips and suddenly opened the door and rushed in.

She used her internal force to run, creating a barrier against her, and at that moment, a bullet was fired again.

At this time, Su tea had flashed to the window.

The floor she lives on is very high, outside is brightly lit New York City, the colorful city lights outline a splendid color.

is the!

Su Cha's heart twitched, and her pupils and intuition were locked in a hotel a few hundred meters away.

It was also a building there, and probably a hotel.

The bullet was shot from the opposite side.

Su Cha's sight at this moment saw the extreme, barely saw a rice-sized window without lights, and someone was moving.

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