The Queen of Everything

Chapter 929: My hands move

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"No... clearly, I haven't seen Lord Qi for days."

Seventeen Niang was also a bit strange, indeed, he had not seen Qi He for several days.

Qi He and this leader have always been strange, like the leader of the leader, but the leader of the leader trusted him.

A few days ago, it seemed like I said something, but I never came back.

"how can that be possible?"

Greia frowned.

She trusts Qi He very much, so she has not used any tracking methods, but Qi He has not returned for a few days, and she feels a little uneasy in her heart.

She couldn't describe the unease.

But about a short time later, Greia received a report of information. When she rushed to the hospital, she only saw Qi He unconscious.

He was stabbed a dozen times, and he is lying on the bed now, still breathing a sigh of relief.

When Greia sees such Qi He, she is almost crazy. Her eyes are red, and she starts screaming: "Lianchi!!!"


Su Cha, who has been working in the US for a long time, is also paying attention to Lian Chi's whereabouts. Soon, she received a relatively unexpected news.

"A hostess next to Greya has an accident. Is it the one who is very close to her?"

This news came from Tan Yeluo. With such a thought, Su Cha immediately thought of what Lianchi said.

She remembered that there was indeed a very close man next to Greja, and she wanted to shoot her.

When Sucha returned, it was Greja who stopped it.

This person is a host beside Greya, whose name is Qi He.

Now, Qi He has an accident.

Su Cha immediately thought of the civil strife between killing allies.

The people on their side can't do anything with Qi He, so it seems that Greia, who is said by Lian Chi, wants to do something with him, is it because he killed Qi He himself?

Of course, Qi He is not dead yet.

Just Tan Yeluo said, Grea was mad over there.

After all, everyone was admitted to the hospital, and such conspicuous news can still be found. This is the first time that Greia has reacted so strongly to an incident after returning to China.

Su Cha couldn't help but wonder, how could Lian Chi not think about it, he shot Qi He himself?

Clearly angering Greia.

The entanglement Su tea between these people is not clear for the time being, but now it is not so friendly to want to come to Lianchi and Greia.

At the same time, Bo Muyi's news arrived.

"Domestic is now wanted for Lian Chi, and Lian Ye and the two stood up to clear their relationship with him."

Su Cha stunned: "What is the crime?"

"Commercial crime."

Bo Mu didn't say much about business matters, he just said: "It doesn't require us to move too much hands, his hands are not clean, and so long he left behind the manual installation of people in the Lian Group. It's a horse."

It was just clean before, and Bo Mu did not pay attention to this person.

It's different now.

If it was specifically targeted, the people of the Bo family quickly found out clues and used them.

Su Cha also told Bo Muyi about Greia's things, and also said that there was a Gu in Lianchi.

"I know."

Who knows, what Su Mu said next made Su Cha a little surprised.

She seemed to be able to feel the ridiculous smile on the corner of the mouth when the man said this sentence, showing a carelessness, and with all the arrogance in his grasp: "Qi He is my hand."

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