The Queen of Everything

Chapter 950: Are you so shameless?

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

"A kiss scene?"

Sure enough, when the man heard these three words, his face was already gloomy with naked eyes.

Immediately the reaction was also expected by Su Cha: "That is not allowed."

What he said was direct and simple, the meaning was obvious.

He basically did not force or allow Su Cha to do anything, except that there were some bottom lines that he couldn't bear.

Su Cha was silent for a while, sitting in front of his desk, holding his cheek with one hand and looking at him: "This role is very good, it would be no good for me not to pick it up."

Bo Muyi's face was very stinky: "You pushed, I will compensate you for ten such movies."

He can give Su Cha much more eye-catching heat, but Su Cha has to start from scratch.

"Do I mean this?"

Su Cha snorted: "You didn't say that, if I take the role of a kiss scene, would you like to be a substitute? Wouldn't it be enough for me to kiss you at that time?"

These words made Bo Mu instantly ponder.

He remembered that he did say this.

However, compared to kissing scenes, he actually did not want to see Su Cha and other people's emotional scenes, so the emotional sentiment on the screen also made him uncomfortable.

At the beginning, what I said could be a stand-in, and I said that it had more ingredients.

But now Su tea has been raised, proving that she is quite serious.

Bo Mu also squinted with black pupils and looked deeply at Su Cha: "Do you really want to pick up?"

Su Cha changed her hands to holding her face, staring at Bo Muyi, her eyes blinking and nodding quickly: "Yes."

Bo Mu also lowered his head and thought slightly: "You let me think about it."

But for a second, he said directly: "I can let them remove this kiss scene."

This is his concession.

Su Cha frowned: "I saw the role, this kiss scene is essential, otherwise the script will not be marked out in particular, and I am a female two, a kiss scene only, I have not officially signed the contract Opinion, what do you make others think? I don’t want people to think that I’m using your identity to bully people."

Bo Muyi: "I would rather you use my identity to bully others."

Isn't this the boyfriend's responsibility?

Su Cha: "..."

But in the end, Su Cha couldn't stand her. After seeing her "poor" eyes, Bo Mu finally surrendered helplessly.

He agreed.

He was happy as soon as he agreed with Su Cha. Of course, he would definitely do such a thing for Su Cha. Then she would definitely not be Su Cha. After all, she was a female second. Su Cha asked him a word about Ye Luo and found that there were also investors. she was.

Now the right person is out.

When the time comes to change the kiss, it is more convenient to talk to Ye Luo about such things.

Tan Yeluo almost didn't laugh when she knew it.

Tan Yeluo: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, he even had to kiss himself even for the kiss scene, or just let him play this role? I still have this right.

Cha Yi: ... his identity is inconvenient to show his face, it would be nice to be able to play a kiss

Tan Yeluo: It’s me, so I kissed and acted and mad at him!

Tea also:? ? ? ? ? ? Are you sure he will not kill you first?

Tan Yeluo: Fear of something, he must not be your opponent

Tea: But he can beat you

Tan Yeluo:? ? ? ? Allied? Are you so shameless?

Seeing Tan Yeluo's reply, Su Cha burst out laughing.

After things were decided, the next step was to carefully wait for the audition of the characters in the movie "Mojia City" to be completed.

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