The Queen of Everything

Chapter 955: Memories

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Bo Mu has been living in Xiao Su's tea house for the past few days.

Soon, he seemed to be used to the warm environment in this strange.

There are two people in the family. The handsome uncle plays with his daughter at home every day to do something delicious and make some new things. The only little girl who plays with him will only come back every day after school.

That day, Xiao Sucha came back from school and put the small schoolbag on the table. With a big smile on his face, he walked to the boy Bo Muyi who was sitting at the table with his head down.

"Brother Bo, let's go out to play, you are always sick at home, you will get sick."

Xiao Sucha said that she wanted to reach out to him, but unfortunately the boy did not want to get up, and naturally she couldn't pull it with her strength.

Xiao Sucha looked at him, a little ignorant.

Bo Mu also shook his head. His clear and clear pupils were sadly unnoticeable, and he let Xiao Sucha hold his hand and did not speak.

There was a voice from my friend calling for Xiao Su tea. Xiao Su tea bit his finger and thought for a while, and finally refused regretfully: "I won't go out today."

"You can't come out to play with us for a few days, and the organization will abandon you in this way!"

Outside the voice of threats from little friends, Xiao Sucha ran outside and argued with them for a few words, and then came back again.

When she came back, the boy was sitting upright, looking nervous and uneasy. When he saw Xiao Su tea coming in, the whole talent eased a lot, as if relieved.

Xiao Sucha walked in front of him, Xiaoyuan's big eyes blinked on her face, "Brother, are you hungry?"

Bo Mu also shook his head: "I am not hungry, you are hungry."

Xiao Sucha, who was debunked, smiled embarrassedly, and touched his round belly, which hadn't disappeared too much: "The kindergarten meal was not good today at noon, and I ate less... Hungry fast..."

The boy stood up, and he was only eleven or twelve years old. He is now one and a half meters tall, and his head looks terrible. Xiao Sucha can only look up at him.

Seeing that Bo Mu also got up, her small hands grabbed his long, slender and clean fingers. Bo Mu also seemed to be accustomed to it and took her hand to the refrigerator.

"Look at it, that's all."

"I want that..."

Xiao Su tea pointed to the sauce beef placed on the top of the refrigerator. She was too short to reach, so Bo Mu also helped her.

Bo Mu also took out the cold plate without hesitation. When Xiao Sucha reached for his hand, he moved away slightly: "No, you have to wash your hands."

Xiao Sucha suddenly bulged his mouth to wash his hands.

Zong Yanxiu returned from outside and saw that his daughter was eating sauced beef and looked at the boy who was watching quietly. He frowned slightly: "The contents of the refrigerator cannot be taken out and given directly to her."

Bo Mu also saw Zong Yanxiu, subconsciously paused and stood upright, seeming to be a little stupid.

"I went out today and found some information about your family."

Zong Yanxiu looked at the boy in front of him and was still surprised by the news he had received.

The boy raised his black and white pupils and looked at him steadily: "What did you find?"

Even if he is only eleven or twelve years old, he seems to have begun to have a different kind of aura, and it is natural. This kind of inquiry has brought a lot of pressure to people.

Even Zong Yanxiu could feel this influence. He was surprised in his heart, and soon said: "The imperial capital Bojia, far from here, just need to tell me clearly, I can take you back, why did not you tell me?"

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