Here, it is extremely desolate, the ground is overgrown with weeds, and fireflies are flying freely with lanterns. The carved wooden door and the faded screen window clearly tell of the prosperity and beauty here in the past.

"The one who lives here must be a very intelligent and beautiful woman." Zhong Wuyan walked in slowly and looked at the tables and chairs here gently through the hazy moonlight.

Obviously, the master is a very tasteful woman. It can be seen that she has made some hard work to decorate this small house so exquisitely.

On a simple but very simple table, there is a copper mirror, which is covered with thick dust.

Zhong Wuyan took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the dust off it. The exquisite copper mirror showed the light of the past.

"Eh, what's this?" she inadvertently found a few lines of beautiful small characters engraved on the back of the mirror, and couldn't help staring.

"Don't be melancholy at night in the red chamber. The incense lamp is half a tassel tent. When the waning moon goes out, the beauty talks with tears. The lute is golden and green, and the yellow warbler speaks on the string. Advise me to go home early, and the green window is like a flower." Zhong Wuyan reads in a low voice.

As she read, she thought to herself, "this word is obviously engraved by the woman, but who is she? Is she his biological mother?"

It should be a woman with bright eyes, Ling Bo's Micro steps, Luo hosiery's dust and flying like Yang. She left her home and her lover and came to this deep palace. As soon as the Marquis entered the deep sea, Xiao Lang was a passer-by. A thin Hibiscus wall separates two worlds. Outside the wall, the sun is shining, but inside the wall, it rains one after another.

"Who?" Zhong Wuyan's eyes were suddenly cold, turned back vigilantly, and still held the bronze mirror tightly in her hand.

As long as the man behind her dares to do anything to her, the bronze mirror in her hand will fly to the man's face and knock him to the ground.

In the cold moonlight, Tian Bijiang stood there quietly with a cold face.

"Is it you?" Zhong Wuyan saw this and put down the bronze mirror in her hand.

At this time, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, if she threw the bronze mirror directly, she didn't know whether Tian Bijiang could hide, although his skill looked very good.

"The queen is so leisurely. She used to like this place!" Tian Pijiang sneered, with a sharp light shining in his eyes. "It seems that the magnificent Fengyu palace is tired of living, and wants to change places?"

His voice was very cold, almost mixed with ice slag, and rushed to Zhong Wuyan.

"I just can't sleep. I want to go out for a walk." Zhong Wuyan didn't dare to look at his cold eyes and smiled awkwardly, "why didn't the king sleep?"

Tian Bijiang walked slowly to Zhong Wuyan, turned around her and looked up and down for a while.

"It seems that you really are not a simple woman. Don't you know that if you know too much, your head will be unstable?" he said coldly, "that day, you were obviously following the solitary king. You didn't get anything useful, so you came to find it yourself?"

He doesn't like others to inquire about his privacy, let alone know the secret. Don't say it's Zhong Wuyan. He hasn't even said that secret about Xia Yingchun. Although there were rumors in the palace occasionally, no one dared to mention it again under his blood. Tian Bijiang is suspicious by nature. He doesn't believe everyone around him. Even his favorite summer Yingchun, he can't be honest with her, let alone just a Zhong Wuyan?

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood." Zhong Wuyan quickly explained, "in fact, my concubine really didn't mean any harm..."

She really meant no harm. She just wanted to know more about him, to know the joys and sorrows in his heart, and to know his every bit.

"You don't have to explain!" Tian Bijiang didn't give her a chance to explain at all, and said coldly, "since you like the old house, you'll move out of Fengyu palace and live in the cold palace from tomorrow. It's old enough!"

He shook his sleeves and floated away. The determined figure made Zhong Wuyan's heart cold to the freezing point.

Cold palace, it's really cold enough.

Although it is already summer, every plant and tree here exudes a cold and gloomy atmosphere.

"Miss, it's too much. Why did the king put you in the cold palace?" Qiuyue looked at the dirty and broken cold palace and said angrily, "it's the pillow breeze blowing in summer and spring! The king obviously protected her last time. Now..."

She was very angry. She really didn't understand what Tian Bijiang thought? Even if you have a dog, you have to reward it with a bone occasionally. And he seems to be worse than a dog to Zhong Wuyan!

"Stop talking, Xiaoya!" Zhong Wuyan looked at the house full of cobwebs and said faintly, "in fact, where you live is not the same? It's good here. At least Xia Yingchun can stop."

At this time, the heavy wooden door was opened with a "squeak". Tian Ji came in with a brand-new dress.

"Did you rise?" Zhong Wuyan looked at the clothes and a faint smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

When Tian Ji heard this, his beautiful eyebrows could not help but frown slightly: "yes, the king made me a general. From today on, I will start to go to the military camp to practice troops and horses."

He looked particularly heroic in his new clothes. Although Tian Ji looks like a scholar, he has a bit of the charm of a Confucian general when he changes into this dress.

I don't know why, Zhong Wuyan vaguely feels that there seems to be something wrong with Tian Ji today. He doesn't seem to dare to look into his eyes. His eyes are always flickering.

"What's the matter? I'm not happy to be a general?" she asked with concern. "Are there too many things in the barracks?"

"No... No." Tian Ji smiled awkwardly. "I just don't think it's worth taking the place of younger martial sister. You made great achievements in killing Yan, but you ended up like this."

There seemed to be a secret in his charming eyes. But Zhong Wuyan won't ask in detail, because she was put in the cold because she touched the secret of Tian Bijiang.

Autumn Moon listened, Qiao Mei picked it up and said with a sneer, "if you don't believe it, look, when there is another war, the king will move out of my miss again!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhong Wuyan whispered angrily. "If you talk disorderly in the future, you'll go back to Taohua mountain. I don't dare to leave you around."

"You are so kind to everyone, but you will only lose your temper with me!" Qiuyue pouted and said discontentedly, "Miss, have you ever thought that going back to Taohua mountain is not better than staying in this cage?"

Tian Ji couldn't help laughing: "Qiuyue, younger martial sister is now the queen. How can you say to leave? You can stay here for a few days. I believe the king will pick you up in a few days. By the way, this is something I brought you. You can use it first. If you need anything, send me a message and I will send it to you. By the way, there are still things in the military camp. I won't talk more Come and see you later! "

He hurriedly handed over a package and turned away.

Looking at his hurried back, Zhong Wuyan couldn't help being suspicious.

"Why didn't he look me in the eye?" she thought to herself.

Zhong Wuyan didn't know that Tian Ji had taken refuge in Grand Master Xia at this time. He changed himself and became a general. Sun Bin, who was born proud, didn't want to bow down, so he had to continue compiling books.

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