Xia Xichun looked back and saw Zhong Wuyan's watery eyes flashing cold and angry lights under the light of candles. A few strands of messy hair, tightly attached to the pale face, added a few strands of gloomy and terrible breath to her.

"You're awake, sister!" she rushed forward with joy, held Zhong Wuyan's cold little hand tightly, and said happily, "great. If you don't wake up again, I'll be crazy!"

Xia Xichun didn't lie. In this palace, she is the only one who sincerely hopes that Zhong Wuyan will recover as soon as possible. Unlike Tian Bijiang and Nanfeng, they all want her to be safe for some benefit.

"Let her go!" Zhong Wuyan didn't look at Xia Xichun. Her cold eyes fell on the waxy yellow face of Nanfeng. "This palace doesn't want to see this man!"

Her voice was very low, but there was a murderous spirit. This deep and terrible voice, as if floating out of hell, seems to have a kind of magic, enough to hook people's souls and kill people invisibly.

The south wind listened and quickly knelt on the ground and knocked his head heavily.

"The empress is holy and bright. The death of the autumn moon has nothing to do with Nanfeng!" she kowtowed and begged for mercy. "Everything was made by imperial concubine Xia! Please be kind and save Nanfeng's life. Imperial concubine Xia is trying to kill me!"

She knew Zhong Wuyan was kind-hearted and thought it would be all right if she begged.

Upon hearing this, Xia Xichun sneered and said, "you deserve to kill you! A running dog like you should kill one less! Sister, you don't know how hateful she is. She didn't take care of her face. She dared to seduce the king! Do you think she should kill?"

Xia Xichun has no feelings for Tian Bijiang, so she doesn't care much. The only reason why she was angry was that Tian Bijiang could hook up with this ugly and bad woman? Is he really hungry? Even this kind of goods.

Xia Xichun didn't care, but Zhong Wuyan, who just woke up, was hurt.

Her eyes fell on the small waxy yellow face of the south wind and looked up and down for a while. She tried to find some advantages from this vicious woman, but she couldn't find it. She didn't understand what attracted Tian Bijiang to the south wind?

"Qiuyue will come back every night." Zhong Wuyan said coldly, "this palace knows that she certainly doesn't want to see you here! If you don't want to die right away, get out of Fengyu palace."

Her eyes were extremely sharp, like two sharp blades, which seemed to directly break the south wind into pieces. She wished she could get up right away and kill the hateful woman to avenge Qiuyue. However, she moved slightly, and a deep pain spread in her body.

"This..." Nanfeng looked at Zhong Wuyan with awe inspiring eyes. He just wanted to explain, but Xia Xichun kicked him to the ground.

"Get out, do you hear me!" Xia Xichun's foot is not light. She doesn't know that Nanfeng is pregnant. If she knows, she won't dare to kick it for fear of getting into trouble. "If you don't go again, the palace will throw you into the well!"

She was just bluffing the south wind. Don't mention killing people. Xia Xichun hasn't even killed a chicken in his life. He has less courage than a mouse.

Nanfeng knew that the autumn moon made Zhong Wuyan hate herself. No matter how much she begged, she wouldn't leave herself. Zhong Wuyan, she is not a Bodhisattva. She can't forgive everyone. She is a woman with clear gratitude and resentment. Autumn Moon's death, she vowed to ask for an explanation.

"What to do now?" for a moment, Nanfeng was afraid. "Xia Yingchun can't go back there. She hates me to death; Zhong Wuyan here, she also wants to kill me. What should I do?"

One side is Zhong Wuyan and the other is Xia Yingchun. They all want to kill her, which makes Nanfeng a little worried. At this time, she even secretly regretted why she had been with Tian Bijiang? Now, she is riding a tiger and can only go on.

"Go away, do you hear me!" Xia Xichun scolded fiercely, "if you don't go again, the palace will be really impolite!"

She was really angry, and the two Ruby pendants in her ears shook like lanterns.

The south wind listened and could only leave bitterly.

Late autumn night, cold people shudder. The cold moonlight, gently sprinkled on the bluestone path, is like a sea of tears of helplessness and despair. In this boundless sea of tears, Nanfeng felt that he was a lost fish and could not find his way home.

Home? She has no home. From the day she was born, she drifted around. Her life didn't stabilize until she entered the Taishi mansion. However, how could the Supreme Master's residence, which is extremely luxurious, be her home? That family doesn't belong to Xia Lichun. How can it belong to her servant?

All along, Nanfeng has been longing for a home and a warm home. After getting the pity of Tian Bijiang, her desire became stronger and stronger. Even if Tian Bijiang's kindness to her is just a passing cloud, as long as they have children, their mother and son depend on each other, it is also a home.

Nanfeng came to the imperial study. As soon as he saw Tian Bijiang, he knelt down and said, "please forgive me. There's something Nanfeng hasn't told the king. The king is as kind to Nanfeng as a mountain. If Nanfeng keeps hiding it, he will be ashamed of the king's affection."

Tian Bijiang sat on the table and flashed, slightly frowning, looking at the war report sent by Tian Ji.

The war seems to be going well. But I don't know why he can't completely rest assured about Tian Ji. After all, he is not Zhong Wuyan. His talent is still slightly inferior to his little younger martial sister. After all, Zhong Wuyan is the most beloved disciple of Guiguzi. Naturally, he teaches her more than other disciples.

"What's the big deal? What are you doing here when you're not in the house so late? What if you get cold?" Tian Bijiang saw it, walked down slowly and gently helped the south wind up.

Although he was a little upset, he barely calmed down when he saw the south wind. After all, the next big play can't be without her.

Nanfeng said solemnly, "it's about the death of the second young lady."

Although Tian Bijiang didn't say anything, when he was a child, Nanfeng could see that he seemed to have a strange feeling for summer and spring. Although Xia Lichun was still a child at that time, she was very special, like a white plum in full bloom in the corner of the wall, cold and white, emitting bursts of refreshing fragrance.

"The death of Li Chun?" Tian Bijiang was upset and smiled faintly. "Didn't she die of illness? Gu thought it was a big event. Your body is important. It's important to have a good rest."

He had long suspected Xia Lichun's death, but he didn't believe that Nanfeng would tell him the truth. Of course, he didn't dare to know. He was afraid. He was afraid that all the cruel things were done by his summer Yingchun! He was afraid. He was afraid that after he knew the truth, how would he face the snake and scorpion beauty in the future?

"Doesn't he care about the second young lady?" Nanfeng thought suspiciously, "no, no matter whether he cares or not, I have to tell the story. As long as he hates summer Yingchun, the greater my chance!"

She was a little out of measure. She actually wanted to bring down Xia Yingchun with her own strength. Even if Xia Yingchun didn't save Tian Bijiang, no one would dare to treat her as long as she didn't die. But at this time, Nanfeng is whimsical. She wants to replace that woman and become the head of the harem.

Nanxiang deliberately frowned and sighed: "in fact, Nanfeng is afraid to follow the old road of the second young lady. The second young lady was killed. Now I have offended people, and I will inevitably be killed unconsciously."

Hearing this, Tian Bijiang couldn't help trembling and his eyes became extremely cold.

"No one dares to kill you." he dared not listen.

For the first time in his life, he felt so cowardly that he didn't even have the courage to know the truth. He pitied the extraordinary Xia Lichun, but he didn't want to know that his benefactor was a villain!

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