Chapter 259 Despair in the Three Holy Lands!

A turbulent killing force directly enveloped Fang Qingyue, and the space seemed to be blocked.

Fang Qingyue had been very difficult to block in front of the Emperor Dao Killing Array, but suddenly aware of such a killing intent, he couldn’t help but look horrified.

In an instant.

A holy sword flew out from the top of his head, with five-color mysterious light on it, the sword energy was rippling, and the rhythm of the Tao evolved into a sword world.


The Thunder Spears slaughtered and attacked everywhere.

The depleted holy sword quivered, bursting with sword energy, and its power was greatly weakened.

As soon as Chiyue Ying arrived, she quickly suppressed the holy sword.


The sound of sword cries suddenly resounded, and many swords rang out one after another.

Like a resonance.

The holy sword was knocked upside down and flew out, dashing across the sky.


Fang Qingyue vomited blood when he opened his mouth, the red blood stained the sky and his eyes were full of horror.

“Master Fang!”

The saints who were facing the Emperor Dao Killing Array, saw Fang Qingyue’s situation, and couldn’t help but turn pale with shock.

In front of the Emperor Dao Killing Array.

The three holy places combined, there are about thirty holy places, and one third of them have already fallen.

This is just the beginning.

The killing momentum of the Emperor Dao Killing Array is still surging.

They are all struggling to support, and many people are injured and dripping with blood.

“Let’s go”~!”

“Where there is life, there is hope.

Fang Qingyue roared.

Originally, he was thinking of waiting for Cang Hua, but if he waited any longer, it might be an ice-cold corpse.

Cang Hua didn’t know when he would arrive.

If you don’t go, you will die.

“Want to go, have you gone?”

Chimei said coldly, and there was a Dao technique in both hands, a fist light that was eternally splendid, and a big seal slowly condensed.

Chi Yang Fist.

The Great Sun Seal of Chiyang.

“Dahua… Yu Xiu!

Yue Caiwei is also a person who keeps an eye on the Dahua Holy Land, her beautiful eyes are full of killing intent, and her hands are condensing Taoism at the same time.

Half-moon sit air strike.

Sky Moon Vortex Killing Technique.

The Four Great Ways came at the same time, destroying all life.

Those most holy realms that were being blocked with difficulty were suddenly destroyed.

in an instant,

Several people died directly, and their vitality was rapidly disappearing.

At the critical moment, someone hurriedly took out the talisman to urge the hair, trying to escape through the air.


They are all using small shift symbols, and the effect is really unsatisfactory.

Can’t go at all.

The speed is not as fast as Taoism.

Not to mention.

Chi Tianyu and the others were not idle either.

There are Emperor Dao Killing Array, and Chi Yi and Yue Caiwei.

This is one-sided slaughter.


They all closed their eyes in pain and completely fell into despair.

Can’t go at all.

A dead end awaits them.

The big picture is set.

Chi Zhu and Yue Cai were killed by several people, and they even killed Fang Qingyue, so they didn’t do anything anymore, leaving it to a few ancestors to do it.

The Three Holy Lands are over.

The six most holy ancestors led their soldiers into three separate paths, and then went to Wuling and Qianyuan.

And they have to wait for someone else.

The other party will definitely come back.

“It’s been a little while since we (Li Ma Hao) arrived at Dahua Holy Land.”

“Well, it should be here.

Red candlestick estimation disturbance.

Yue Caiwei said from the side, “The Holy Master of the Cang Clan is in the Holy King Realm and holds the Emperor Treasure.”

“Strength cannot be a mouse.

“However, I believe that with the strength of my husband and I, it should not be difficult to kill him.”

She said with a smile on her face.

If even the Holy Master of the Cang Clan couldn’t kill them, they would have to wait to die when the great terror of the Extreme Western Snow Region appeared.

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