Chapter 279 This is a proposition!

Just “Just eat it, guess what, it’s the same anyway.”

Chi Xuan said cautiously.


If this thing is not done well, it is a very serious matter.

In the past life, maybe it was a proposition, of course she would not be so serious, but obviously there would be nothing good.

So guess what to guess, hide if you can.

“How can this work!”

Yue Caiwei was dissatisfied, “I told Shen Shui to boast that you can guess it right away.”

“You can’t let me down!

“If I guess wrong,

She hesitated, but did not continue.

He also blinked at Chi Zhu.

However, the information revealed from it is self-evident.

Guessing wrong, the consequences are very serious.

Chi Yan felt like a light on her back, “How could it be wrong!”

“I eat what you make every day, the taste is so good, I will definitely be able to eat it in an instant.”

When things come to an end, it must be avoided.

In front of Bai Shenshui, of course, he couldn’t weaken his daughter-in-law’s aura.

Haikou, let’s talk about it first.

“That’s a good feeling”~. ”

Yue Caiwei was very satisfied, and showed off to Bai Shenshui again, “Look, I said my husband would be right.”

Bai Shenshui was not surprised by her behavior.

“I haven’t eaten yet, so it’s hard to say.”

she said.

At the same time, it was not easy for Chi Yan to sweat silently!

There is actually such a difficult daughter-in-law as Caiwei.

Sometimes eccentric, they don’t play cards according to the routine at all.

“Then let’s wait and see a good show!”

Yue Caiwei signaled to Shen Yunxiao to let the other party bring something.

Shen Yunxi put the tray in front of Chi Xuan.

Chi Xuan winked at her.

That means it’s like saying, who did this in the end.

Sound transmission, definitely that is impossible.

Bai Shenshui and Yue Caiwei are both in the most holy realm, and they can be found at once.

Just as Shen Yunxi was about to whisper and send a certain signal to Chi Yan, she sensed a cold aura coming.

That was Yue Caiwei’s gaze.

“Yun Xi, why are you still procrastinating, so hurry up when you get it.”

“Where are you still doing?”

Yue Caiwei’s tone was very playful.

“Yes.” Shen Yunxi hurriedly backed away, who dared to make any small moves.

When he left, he just gave Chi Yan a look, which meant “Holy Lord, ask yourself for more blessings”.

Chi Deng was very helpless, “Cough cough…

“I’ll have a taste.”

Looking at the identical dishes in front of you

He slowly took out the chopsticks, reached out and grabbed the right one first, and put it in his mouth to taste it carefully.

This can’t be done with care.

If you guess wrong, you will be in big trouble.


If you know that this will happen, you might as well stay in Chisheng Peak.

Although I was a little embarrassed to hear the ancestors tease, but it was better than this kind of thing.


It’s too late to say anything now, so I can only bite the bullet.

“How is it? (How is Li?)

“Guess who did this?”

When Yue Caiwei saw that he was eating, she couldn’t wait to ask.

In the beautiful eyes, full of anticipation.

Chi Xuan swallowed, “I’ll have to eat another portion, shall we?”

“Don’t be in such a hurry.”

It can be delayed for a while.

“That’s right.” Yue Caiwei thought it made sense.

“I’ll feed you myself.”

He took the chopsticks on his own initiative, picked up something from another plate, and put it in Chi Xuan’s mouth.

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