Chapter 283 Everything is so beautiful!

“Sorry Lord Shen Shui, forgive me, there are too many family affairs, and there is no way to accompany him.

Chi Xuan’s tone was full of helplessness.

Just when he was talking, he glanced at Yue Caiwei inadvertently.

What that means is self-evident.

Bai Shenshui understood, “I naturally understand this.”

She couldn’t help but find it very funny.

“I think you have other reasons.”

Yue Caiwei exposed him without hesitation, and gave him a ruthless look.

Immediately, he said to Bai Shenshui with a smile, “I’m leaving after only three months, and I haven’t treated you well yet!”

20 “No way.”

Bai Shenshui’s tone was helpless, “I’m not you, I have such a good husband to help deal with the Holy Land.”

“I have to do everything myself.

“In the past three months, it is also rare to be leisurely, and it will definitely not be easy after returning.”

When he spoke, his tone was quite envious.

When she heard this, Yue Caiwei was very impressed. She remembered Chi Xuan also said this.

Sure enough it came true.

“That’s fine, I’ll send it to you.”

Yue Caiwei smiled and said to Chi Yan again, before sending Bai Shenshui away.

As for Chi Yan, that is to show his face.

He also politely said a few words about his difficulties.

Baishui also expressed understanding.

Watching them leave, Chi Yan slowly exhaled, “Finally gone.”

Living in the Holy Child Dao Palace is good, but it is not as good as the Chiyang Dao Palace!

“Recently, nothing happened, right?

He asked the two girls.

Wu Xuema answered honestly, “It’s nothing special.”

“However, when the mistress comes back, I’m afraid it will be difficult for you, Holy Master.”

The two women were a little bit gloating.

In their view, it is an interesting thing for the Lord to do things with his mistress.

“Believe it or not, before the mistress comes back, I will clean you up first?”

Chi Yan’s face turned pale, and his eyes became more fierce.

It’s just that the two women are not afraid, the Holy Master is just scaring them.

Chi Yan really had no solution to them, so he could only give up and find another place to lie down.

“Come here

He called the two women to come and serve him.

In the Holy Son Dao Palace, I practice every day, and I don’t even have a caring maid.

Now that I have returned to the Equatorial Palace, I can’t enjoy it.

“Yes.” The two women happily accepted the order.

Then, he ran to Chi Yan in front of him.

Swing your legs to pinch your legs, and knock your back to your back.

That movement and strength, called a proficiency, made Chi Yan enjoy it very much, not to mention how cool it was!

Suddenly, he fell asleep.

What he didn’t even know was that after he fell asleep, Yue Caiwei had already returned after delivering Bai Shenshui.


When the two women saw Yue Caiwei coming back, they quickly stopped.


Yue Caiwei said 560, “You guys go down first, I’ll come.”

The two “women were hesitant.

Seeing Yue Caiwei’s gaze, she immediately took orders weakly.

He also wanted to wake Chi Heng, but under Yue Caiwei’s gaze, he couldn’t do it at all.

You can only go back honestly.

Yue Caiwei came over and sat down directly, looking at Chi Yi who was already asleep, her jade hand gently caressed her cheek, her beautiful eyes were full of distress.

Those eyes are even more tender than water, full of love and tenderness.

“Sleep so sweetly.

“Looks like I’ve been very tired recently.

She didn’t make a sound to disturb, and silently looked at Chi Yan who was sleeping.

Everything seemed so beautiful and quiet.

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