Chapter 293 The Two Treasures Attack!

The phoenix swept across the sky, slamming into the nine heavens, roaring furiously, and the icy mist lingered in the sky, freezing everything.

The evolution of the Scarlet Moon Seal and the Scarlet Moon Map seems to introduce a world of the sun and the moon.

In an instant, it collided with the Frost Phoenix.


The earth-shattering explosion made people’s eardrums burst, and blood churned.

Heaven and earth were turbulent and uneasy, as if the sky was about to collapse.

The violent air waves collided, spreading across the sky, falling towards the bottom at a high speed, and the ground exploded everywhere.

In the extreme western region, all eyes are suddenly full of scorpions, and the beautiful scenery is fleeting.

Around 20 were covered with air waves, and the sight was immediately blocked.


They are all in the most holy realm, so why do they need to use their eyesight to find someone, but their perception is very keen, and they will block the Bingxie Emperor.

This time.

Emperor Bingxie did not sit still, but took the lead in launching the offensive.

From her body, layers of ice fog rushed out, and there was an endless ice rhyme, which sealed the surrounding area and turned it into a world of ice and snow.

There was a heavy snowfall in the sky, and the white snowflakes seemed to have killing intent.

I am afraid that it is in the virtual realm, touching a snowflake, the body may freeze, and the vitality will be completely cut off.

The vast white ice fog spreads everywhere, and the goose feather snow is getting bigger and bigger.

This is not the weather, but the avenue of the Ice Evil Emperor, forming a terrifying scene!

“It’s ice and snow!”

She made an icy voice with an endless chill.

Within a radius of 10,000 miles, except for Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, it has completely turned into a world of ice and snow, and the world has completely become her home.

This is the realm of the Great Way!

When he becomes an emperor, his incomparably terrifying avenue can completely change the environment of a world, and it will take countless years to collapse.

The extreme west snow region is not caused by that, but it is not far from it.

Because it would be so cold, it was caused by the Great Dao of the Ice Evil Emperor.

The original extreme west snow area…

Although it snows every day, it is far from possible to reach such a level.

“No matter how strong it is, it is still holy!”

“It just happened to devour the two of you, so that my strength can be restored as soon as possible.”

Her beautiful face turned hideous.

Obviously to such a degree, she has been completely angry.

after all.

How could a dignified and powerful emperor be beaten by the Holy Land, how could he not be angry.

Therefore, she must use an absolute killer move to kill the two of them here in order to relieve the hatred in her heart.

But no one replied to her, and there were only frozen whispers around.

And its angry voice echoed.

That thick icy rhythm rolled towards Chi Xuan and the two of them, damaging their strength.

“The emperor is the emperor.

“Even if the strength falls, the strong Dao rhyme cannot disappear. For us, it is crushing.

The two looked at each other 560 times.

Then, tacitly took out the Emperor Treasure that had been prepared for a long time.

Chi Yan uses Tai Cang Seal.

Yue Caiwei used Taiyue Pagoda.

The two emperor treasures came out together, and instantly smashed through the air and left.

Almost in the blink of an eye, they collided in one place at the same time.

The explosion of two forces can collapse the world, not to mention the mere icy rhyme.


That thick icy rhyme suddenly tore a gap, its rhythm was like a deflated ball, and its power was greatly reduced.

Emperor Bingxie also snorted, shaking violently in front of him, rippling layers of ripples.

In its beautiful eyes, it is full of shock!

Shocked beyond measure!,

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