Chapter 295 The emperor’s blood stains the sky!

The sky was dim, and the night was thick like ink, which set off the white splendor of the bright moon, making it so holy and noble.

On Chi Yi’s side, the sun is also full of mysterious Dao patterns, interweaving and merging with each other, rushing out a fiery beam.

The bright moon is flying down the beam.

Two beams, one yang and one yin, rushed into Chi Xuan and Yue Caiwei’s bodies.

The two sides merged with each other, providing them with countless energies.


They whispered at the same time, the divine brilliance of the sun and the bright moon bloomed with endless rhythm, making the field more condensed.

At this moment, they seemed to have completely mastered the realm of the Great Dao.

It can compete with the world of ice and snow.

Sun and moon on the same day!

“Om 560-

A slight humming sound suddenly resounded between the heavens and the earth, and scattered from the top, one after another splendid splendid light.

For a time, the sun was shining brightly.

The blazing heat and soft brilliance slowly blended, exuding a faint halo, which looked so charming and intoxicating.


Emperor Bingxie didn’t think that way, he just felt horrified, and his heart was even more chilled.

From above, she noticed that the breath of death was condensing, eroding her body.

“Damn junior!”

“Don’t go too far, I really think I can’t be bullied by Bingxie!”

She both (cace) had taken a step back, but the two were still unrelenting, which made her even more angry.

However, after a series of battles…

It has a somewhat decayed body, and its energy is even more exhausted.

Even if it is not exhausted, her strength is far inferior to [Red Moon].

especially now,

Two emperor treasure blessings, there is also a secret technique equivalent to the emperor’s killing – the sun and the moon on the same day!


She is ruthless in her words, and with her current strength and state, it is also far inferior.


Frost Daoyun couldn’t hold it at all, and was torn apart by the sun and the moon.


She suddenly felt as if she had been hit hard, and she opened her mouth to spurt bright red blood, her face pale to the extreme.

Like a sickly beautiful woman.

The ice world collapsed layer by layer, as if the sky was collapsing, white ice cubes fell.

Emperor Bingxie had already seen the door of death and slammed open towards him.

“I can not be reconciled!”

She slept for millions of years, and finally survived until the coming of the era of the emperor.

Haven’t swallowed blood food, bloomed his endless brilliance, and ruled the world!

As a result, he will be buried in a sleeping place.

How could this make her happy.

But, no matter how unwilling it is, the sun and the moon reflect the sky in the same sky, and countless killings roll down, tearing her body apart.

The two emperors were even killed, and the turbulent killing force locked her, and there was nowhere to escape.

“I can’t live, so don’t think about it!”

Her complexion was extremely ferocious, her body was swelling wildly, and her fair skin was covered with bloodshots, which was obviously a special secret technique.


The killing force was torn apart, and the Bingxie Emperor rushed over frantically.

This is the final blow.

The complexion of Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei changed greatly, and they showed horror.


Yue Caiwei quickly controlled Taiyue Pagoda and flew back quickly.

Chi Xuan also acted immediately, but the speed was not as fast as last month.

However, it is still too slow.


The body of the Bingxie Emperor burst apart, and an extremely violent and icy wave swept towards them.

The surroundings were completely frozen.

There are countless blood, like raindrops, which are like raindrops in the sky, this is the blood of the emperor!

The real emperor blood!

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