Chapter 297 Let her wake up and see me!

The [Chiyue], who was on the cusp of the storm, was in the Chiyang Road Palace at this time.

the same day.

The death blow of Emperor Bingxie caused great trauma to the two of them, and also paid a heavy price.

Mainly, Yue Caiwei was seriously injured.

At the last moment, Yue Caiwei used Taiyue Pagoda to protect Chi Yan, which exposed herself to the attack and blocked a lot.

Chi Xuan has since recovered.

Fortunately, the serious injury is not false, “five or six zero” but did not hurt the source.

It’s just that he hasn’t woken up yet, he’s been in a coma, and he doesn’t know when he’ll wake up, so Chi Yi has to keep guarding.

“You are so strong in everything.

Chi Xuan looked at the beautiful woman lying on the bed and couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

He knew that Yue Caiwei would do this, and it must be because he stood in front of her when he was fighting against Cang Hua.

This made her not wanting to be left behind, she resolutely stood in front of her and used Taiyue Pagoda to protect herself.

Really so helpless!

Touching Yue Caiwei’s cheeks with both hands, he felt extremely at ease, and his beating heart seemed to be much more stable.

At that time, when he saw Yue Caiwei was injured and fell down, he was heartbroken, almost thinking that he would lose Yue Caiwei.

Fortunately, there were no surprises.

He just didn’t know when his daughter-in-law would wake up, which made him still a little worried.

Right at this moment–

Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema came and saw Chi Yan still sitting in front of the bed with bloodshot eyes.

The Holy Land is energetic, but also needs rest.

not to mention.

Chi Yan also had injuries on her body, and it was light compared to Yue Caiwei. It didn’t take long for her to recover, and she needed more rest.

But for Yue Caiwei, he never closed his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“What’s up with the family?”

As soon as she saw the two of them, Chi Yi glanced back.

Shen Yunxi said, “There is nothing wrong with the family, it’s just that people from many forces have come to Chiyang Holy City again..”

“not see.”

Chi Mei said decisively.

Now, my daughter-in-law is still in a coma, how can I have time to see those people, isn’t it a waste of time?

Getting such a reply was also expected by the two women.

But they are mainly because of another thing.

“Sacred Master Shen Shui learned that the mistress was injured, and sent someone to deliver a Purple Spirit Dao Pill.”

Wu Xuema took out a brocade box and continued, “The visitor also said that the Lord Shen Shui has trivial matters and cannot come to visit in person. I hope you can forgive me.”

After taking the brocade box over, Chi Xuan opened it and took a look, and found that it was the Purple Spirit Tao Dan.

This is the top recovery Dao Dan.

Great value.

In the entire Tianyuan Dao Realm, there are only a handful of alchemists who can refine the Purple Spirit Dao Pill.

Baishui got the Ziling Dao Pill, and he was afraid that he had to pay a small price.

Although it’s a bit late, it’s still a heart…

“Let her thank the Lord Shenshui on my behalf.”

“When Caiwei wakes up, we will take the time to visit in person.”

He put away the brocade box and said.

With Yue Caiwei’s current situation, it is useless to use Ziling Dao Dan, and can only rely on rest.

When the time is up, you will wake up.

“Follow the order.” The two women took the order.

2.4 Shen Yunxi said distressedly, “Holy Lord, your injury has just recovered, and you need a good rest.”

“The Lord is here…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Chi Yan, “Don’t say anything, I’ll just keep watch.

“I want Caiwei to be the first to see me when he wakes up.

His tone was firm and unquestionable.

Seeing Chi Xuan like this, the two girls had no choice but to leave.

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