Chapter 300 The Last Lie!

“Holy lord, mistress…

The two women looked panicked, for fear of something unexpected.

When they came in and saw Yue Caiwei, lying in Chi Yan’s arms, nothing happened, and the two slowly let out a sigh of relief.

The voice just now–

It sounds really worrying, but luckily it was just a false alarm.


“The mistress just woke up, I’ll just stay with me here, you go down and prepare some food to deliver.”

When he spoke, Chi Zhutou didn’t look back, his eyes kept on his daughter-in-law, for fear of what would happen.

“Sister-in-law obeys.”

When the two women saw that nothing was wrong, they were relieved and went down to prepare some food.

The mistress just woke up, and she really wants to add something.

“You guys don’t go.

Yue Caiwei left Chi Yan’s arms at 560, sat upright, and stopped the two women.

Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema stopped.

The question that Chi Yan is concerned about, “What’s the matter, don’t I take care of you enough?”

He said half-jokingly.

“I just have questions, I want to ask them, and you.”

Yue Caiwei said directly.

This is also the biggest doubt in her heart since her rebirth.

Later, with the big marriage with Chi Yan, she didn’t care anymore.

But this dream reminded her again, and took the opportunity to answer the doubts in her heart.

“Okay.” Chi Xuan followed suit.

Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema stood there honestly, not knowing what the mistress was going to ask.

Yue Caiwei first briefly explained the nightmare scene.

Chi Xuan’s heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he immediately understood.

It’s not so much a dream, it’s better to say it’s a reappearance of the scene. After all, Yue Caiwei in her previous life had experienced that scene herself.

Of course, there are also differences, such as Yue Caiwei’s reaction

He probably knew what question Yue Caiwei was going to ask.

“Tell you me, what was your purpose when you went to our Yue’s house?”

She looked at Chi Yan with bright eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema who were on the side, “You two must know it too, tell me honestly.”

“Never lie!”

Looking at the two women’s eyes, it is full of threats.

Although this incident happened in a previous life, since Chi Xuan’s attitude towards herself has made her somewhat certain, (cace) has become a little confused.


The two women looked at each other and looked at Chi Yi subconsciously.

But just after looking at it, Yue Caiwei said coldly, “Don’t look at him, and honestly tell the truth.”

This was the first time she had been so severe.

“Okay, don’t embarrass them. When I went to Yue’s house, it was indeed because of the family’s decision to go to you to break off the marriage.”

“Then why did you…

Yue Caiwei subconsciously wanted to ask, but Chifan answered faster, “Why did I change my mind again, right?

this moment.

Even Shen Yun and Wu Xuema became very curious.

Because this matter is afraid of you and them, it is also incomprehensible.

“the reason is simple.”

“What I said back then was the truth from my heart.”

Chi Yan said it was equal to not saying it.

When Yue Caiwei recalled what Chi Xuan said at the beginning, she couldn’t help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart.

But she still stared at Chi Yan and asked, “Really?”

“Absolutely true!

Chi Xuan said with certainty and certainty.

There’s no way, it’s impossible not to lie, it’s impossible to say it directly!


What is the use of continuing to trace these things when they have gotten so far?

Now that I love Caiwei deeply, that’s enough.

He can also guarantee that this is also the last lie he told his daughter-in-law. .

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