Chapter 302 Like a child!

The two women quickly cooked some delicious food and brought it to the Chiyue Palace, which was steaming and fragrant.

Yue Caiwei smelled the fragrance, and was willing to leave Chi Yan’s arms, her beautiful eyes lit up even more, revealing her true nature as a foodie.

“It’s delicious!”

She said subconsciously, her mouth began to secrete, and her face became more colorful, looking playful and cute.

Shen Yunxi said, “We specially made it according to the taste of the mistress, and we used the best heaven and earth treasures.”

“It also helps with recovery.

Both women are careful people, and they are very well prepared.

“Why is there no meat,

Yue Caiwei glanced at it and said with a somewhat unhappy expression.

As a senior foodie, how can you only be vegetarian!

No meat, no love!

When she and Chi Xuan were in the snowy region of the extreme west, they also ate all kinds of monsters every day, not to mention how cool it tasted.


The two girls were speechless.

Chi Yan said from the side, “You just woke up, take some magic medicine or something, it will help you recover.”

“You can eat as much as you want when you are completely healed.

Like the flesh and blood of those monsters, they are not as gentle as the treasures of heaven and earth, and they are relatively domineering, which is indeed not suitable for the current Yue Caiwei.


Yue Caiwei was a little disappointed, and then said with a smile, “However, I still want to eat candied haws, the sweeter the better!”

Her love for candied gourd can be said to have a long history.

after all.

It was the first time the two wanted to kiss, but it ended in failure because of the bloody killer.

It has a special meaning to her.

Chi Zhu thought about it, and it doesn’t matter if he eats more honey, so he simply agreed.

“I’ll do it.” Wu Xue Ma said quickly.

Then get ready.

Yue Caiwei continued, “In addition to eating candied haws, I want you to feed me!

Her tone was full of tenderness, and it sounded irresistible.

The empress at the moment, not to mention how soft.

Just like Xiaojiabiyu, coupled with that weak and haggard face, I really feel pity.

“Okay, I’ll feed you.”

Chi Kai agreed directly.

Shen Yunxi, who was still in the room, pursed her lips and said nothing.

The Lord is also very tired…

When I saw my mistress wake up, my head felt much better.

It can be seen that she swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

Chi Yan picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food and handed it to Yue Caiwei’s mouth, the latter swallowed it in one bite and chewed slowly.0

“Really tasty!

At this moment, she is like a child, and it can be seen that the impact of the nightmare just now is not small.

Chi Xuan said with a smile, “Yun Xi and Xue Ma’s craftsmanship, of course, has nothing to say, but you are not as good as Caiwei.”

He is wiser now.

“Don’t flatter me, I know my skills are not as good as theirs.”

Yue Caiwei rolled her eyes at him.

Ah this…

Chi Yan didn’t know how to answer the call, so she could only continue to feed her daughter-in-law silently.


It’s not easy!

The daughter-in-law finally realized her own shortcomings.

It’s a pity that I managed to say good things back, but it was no use.


Chi Yan suddenly remembered, “Sacred Master Shen Shui learned that you were injured by 2.4, and specially sent someone to send a Purple Spirit Dao Pill.”

He took out the brocade box and opened it to show his daughter-in-law.

“Although she Bai Shenshui has a conscience.”

Yue Caiwei looked at the Ziling Dao Pill and said with a smile, feeling very happy.

When you wake up, you can see your husband.

His so-called “third generation” was just a false alarm.

Now, seeing his good honey again, and sending a Purple Spirit Dao Pill with concern, isn’t it a happy thing?

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