Chapter 305 Preaching on Cang Qiong Mountain!

Ye Cangqiong became an emperor, and there was another storm in the Tianyuan Dao Realm, and more and more people went to Cangqiong Mountain to visit.

A contemporary emperor!

The first person to become an emperor is an existence that people look up to incomparably.

As more and more people went to Cangqiong Mountain, Ye Cangqiong also said something, and he will open an altar to preach, and everyone is welcome to come and listen to the sermon.

When the news was released, everyone was ecstatic.

When the emperor preaches, it is impossible to meet!

They may be able to get a lot of benefits from it.

Even if there is no hope of breaking through the emperor, it will definitely benefit a lot.

A profitable trade.

For a time, many people went to Cang Qiong Mountain, like some kind of private worship, not to mention how lively it was.

Inside the Chiyang Road Palace.

Wu Xuema is reporting the matter, “The Emperor Cangqiong will preach at Cang 577 Snow Mountain in ten years. Anyone from the Tianyuan Dao Realm can go there.”

Speaking of this, she was all yearning.

This is what the emperor preached!

However, they are maids, and they can’t go if they want.

Chi Yan couldn’t help sighing, “I can’t believe that Ye Cangqiong broke through the realm of the emperor so quickly.”

“It’s only been a hundred years in the past!

A hundred years into an emperor is indeed powerful.

He and his daughter-in-law have only achieved Saint King status now, and they still rely on the body of Emperor Bingxie.

At first.

Most of the emperor’s blood was also collected by Chi Yi and used to recover (cace) two emperor treasures.

After all, our time for cultivation is shorter.

“That Ye Cangqiong has been practicing for ten thousand years and has long been close to the emperor. If it wasn’t for the times, I’m afraid he would have been the emperor long ago.”

Yue Caiwei also said, “I remember when I was in my previous life, Ye Cangqiong was the first emperor to become an emperor, and after the breakthrough, it was out of control!][His talent is absolutely terrifying, but unfortunately it is controlled by the times. If it is in the era of emperors, ten thousand years are enough to be among emperors, and he must be famous. ”

She kept thinking about it in her heart, full of amazement at Ye Cangqiong.

It can be seen from this.

Ye Cangqiong’s reputation.

“It makes sense.

Chi Yan nodded silently, and then said, “As for this Cang Qiong Mountain… we still won’t go.”

“I’m still worried that those emperors may avenge the Bingxie emperor and come to our Chi tribe to find fault and have to guard against it.”

“So, let’s stay in the family, and let the ancestors go to the emperor’s preaching.”

The relationship between Bingxie Emperor and the others can’t be said to be very good, but after all, it is a natural alliance, and they have to guard against it.

In case they go crazy and come to invade their red clan, it is not a matter of regret.


The daughter-in-law was an emperor in her previous life, and she still listened to what emperor preached.

Even if the daughter-in-law can’t say it clearly, but she can discuss it and gain benefits from it, there is no need to go to Cang Qiong Mountain.


His research on the Scarlet Yang Jing has made great progress.

Breaking through the emperor requires a certain amount of accumulation.

“I listen to you. If you don’t go, you won’t go. We can just live our own lives at home.”

Yue Caiwei is obedient, and everything follows the red flame horse’s head.

Since the last nightmare, she has become more and more dependent on Chiyan, and she is really afraid that she will lose Chiyan if she is not careful.

Compared to the Empress’ previous strength, her heart became softer and softer, but also compared to Chi Yan.

Chi Yan also noticed that she also took care of her daughter-in-law in every possible way, which was heartbreaking.

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