Chapter 307 A bold idea!

Suddenly, Yue Caiwei let go of her hand and turned to face the equator, “Husband, I suddenly have a bold idea!

“Cough, this time, let’s go back in the evening and talk slowly, now is not the right time.”

Chi Yi coughed lightly.

The two women also understood in an instant, and their cheeks, which were already a little red, became even more rosy, and they were almost dripping with water.

“what are you thinking about!”

Yue Caiwei also realized what “five seven seven”, her face turned slightly red, and she gave Chi Xuan a fierce look, “I mean, the idea of ​​​​killing the rest of the emperor.”

[Speaking of which, I don’t blame my husband. ”

“Recently, my thoughts have indeed become more and more bold.)

She is quite self-aware.

It is indeed very bold, and it is no worse than the previous Chi Xuan.

However, hearing what his daughter-in-law said made Chi Yan interested, “Kill other emperors? Are we still looking for them?”

“Isn’t that just delivering food? Just the two of us, it’s okay to deal with one, but there are seven of them now.

“Even if they are not together, the support will definitely be quick.

“Besides, let’s go to them, who will the family let them sit in?”

He said a lot in one go.

In any case, it is not very realistic. Thinking about it, it is better to stay at home and live your own life. Isn’t it good?

Every day I practice with my daughter-in-law, sleep together, and think about it. It’s comfortable.

This day is not too good.

“I’ll just say one sentence, you say a lot, can you let me finish it!”

Yue Caiwei glanced at him angrily, her expression a little displeased and a little angry.

Those eyes are even more meaningful, like the spring water of the same river, which makes people’s minds rippling and captivates people’s hearts.

“Okay, I was wrong, you said.”

Chi Yan hurriedly said, she can’t make her daughter-in-law angry, so as not to have another nightmare.

The thought of his daughter-in-law’s face, so haggard and pale, made his heart twist like a knife.

Therefore, he vowed never to let this happen again.

This made him work hard to change, leaving everything to his wife, and it wasn’t a big deal anyway.

Both are also mutual.

The daughter-in-law will not be too aggressive. If that is the case, it is the beginning of the conflict.

“It’s almost there.

Yue Caiwei did not pursue it, and continued to say, “We can let them come to the Chi Clan!”

“My idea is this, let Yunxi and Xue Ma go to Cangqiong Mountain

The two women listened with enthusiasm, but when they heard this, their faces changed slightly, and they finally let out a sigh of relief when they heard the back.0


Yue Caiwei’s idea was to create the illusion that she and Chi Yan went to Cang Qiong Mountain.

As such,

Those guys might come to the Chi Clan to find trouble, and if they take advantage of the situation to kill each other, they can get huge benefits.

The whole body of the emperor is a treasure!

After comprehending the Chi Yang Sutra, Chi Xuan used the Bing Xie Dijun’s broken emperor drive to make certain improvements.

It can be said to benefit a lot.

“It’s a good idea.”

“If it is really feasible, the emperor may not come more than 2.4, and our plan is more likely to succeed.

Chi Yan’s eyes lit up slightly, “However, wanting them to be fooled is not that simple.”

“Yun Xi and Xue Ma are very important.”

“There must be one person who can play a very crucial role, and that is Bai Shenshui!!

He figured out the joints in it, and the brain circuit became clear at once.

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