Chapter 310 Akasaki Visits!

This” has time to speak slowly at night.

Chi Yan’s face was serious, a gentleman’s appearance, slowly working hard. ”

In terms of their current state, it is really not easy to get pregnant with the crystallization of love.

Yuewei rolled her eyes at him, “Look at your virtue, people who don’t know think you are serious.”

“I’ve always been serious.

Chi Xuan’s expression remained calm.

He is indeed a serious man, but not a man if he is not serious.

While they were talking, the two women prepared some food and brought it to Yue Caiwei. This was a compulsory course for her.

Three meals a day, on time.

According to her own thinking, it is just like ordinary people, with more fireworks.

In fact, it is the true nature of gluttonous foodies.


She still eats a lot, and 577 are all precious magical medicines or divine beasts.

Other levels of things, really can not eat.

Just to satisfy her appetite, the amount of divine crystals consumed every day is not a small amount, probably tens of thousands of divine crystals are needed.

This is because Chi Xuan’s family is rich, otherwise such a food-loving daughter-in-law would really not be able to support her.

Yue Caiwei broke free from his arms.

Chi Yan looked at it, “Daughter-in-law, you are really getting more and more able to eat, and I feel that you have gained a little weight recently.”

As soon as Yue Caiwei’s movements stopped, it seemed that she was on the verge of an attack, and it was estimated that she would use a small fist to hammer him.

“It’s fat enough to be fat.

He added quickly.

Then, seeing the daughter-in-law’s face, it gradually became calmer.

This stimulating feeling is comfort.

“Seeing that you speak so nicely, I will give you a piece of Hundred Flower Cake.”

Yue Caiwei happily picked up a piece of cake and put it in Chi Xuan’s mouth.

Chi Xuan eats it, it tastes very good.

After feeding Chi Xuan a piece, Yue Caiwei prepared to start.

But, right now–

Shen Yunxi suddenly said, “Holy Master, Mistress, Akasaki is here and said he wants to see you.”

Akasaki wants to come to Chiyang Road Palace, but he can see the two at any time.

Originally, no notification was required.

But she has practiced outside for so many years, and she has learned a lot of rules and knows that she needs to go through permission.

This is growth.

“This is just in time.”

Chi Yan said, “This girl is also a foodie, she can compete with you (cace).”

That girl was really grown up by him, and she really could eat it.

“What’s wrong with eating? It’s just like being able to eat blessings. To marry a daughter-in-law who can eat like me, you have to cultivate many lifetimes of blessings.”

Yue Caiwei is not ashamed but proud.

Chi Yan couldn’t help laughing, she really had nothing to do with her, “You’re right, it was me, Chi Yan, who had the shit luck.”

Just follow what the daughter-in-law said and just follow the words.

“It is also my blessing to be able to marry my husband!” Yue Caiwei also said.

After the last nightmare, she found that she was really inseparable to Chi Yan.

If she loses, she may not know what she will do.

Where did the two talk intimately.

The two women are really used to it and have a very strong immunity, otherwise they would really be overwhelmed.

Eat dog food every day, how can normal people stand it.


With Chi Xuan’s approval, Chi Qi has already stepped into the Chiyang Palace.

She is familiar with Chiyang Dao Palace.

However, she didn’t come alone today, she was accompanied by a little girl, about four or five years old.

Chi Yan and the others were shocked when they saw the two of them. If they didn’t know that the other party was married, they would definitely have informed them.

They really have to suspect that the little girl is her flesh and blood, bring it back to show them!

Because the two look alike.

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